c. staley wrote:
And so is your law firm's "behavior" filing a suit against a boat company... with no client to sue on behalf of...
A boat company? Not sure what you mean by that.
If you are referring to the Stringliner case--Stringliner makes equipment used in construction to mark out level lines for doing things like laying bricks--then you have no idea what you're talking about. (A boat company? I guess you could imagine they might be a boat company.)
The client in that situation was the U.S. government. The law at that time allowed private individuals to sue companies on behalf of the government for marking patent numbers that didn't apply onto their products--a criminal act known as "patent false marking." If the suit is successful, the individual who sues keeps 50% of the penalty. We identified Stringliner as a company that had done that, so we filed a lawsuit. Shortly thereafter, we got a call from the law firm that my then-associate (later partner) worked for previously--he had only worked there a short time, didn't like it, and left, which they didn't like--saying that their major client was involved in litigation against Stringliner and that they didn't appreciate our suing them also, since Andy used to work for them. Out of professional courtesy, not obligation, we dropped the suit.
Several years later, in order to retaliate against Andy for leaving, they filed a grievance against him with the Bar, claiming that he had used information gained in representing their client to his personal advantage. It was completely false, but they had a lot of pull with the Bar, which put together a hearing panel that consisted of two attorneys from the same large firm (that had existing relationships with Andy's former firm) and a nonlawyer who was a former employee of that same large firm. They ended up censuring Andy, and even though it was a completely bogus charge, he decided not to appeal because the punishment was "censure," an official disapproval of his actions that did not carry any other weight.
If you think that somehow reflects poorly on me, so be it. But some of what you're saying isn't true.