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Ground loop noise
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Author:  karaokemeister [ Sat Nov 13, 2004 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Ground loop noise

I know that ground noise has come up a number of times on here and in my home setup I've been experiencing some ground noise between my RSQ 333 player, my dvd player and mixer. They're all plugged into the same power strip and all use 2 prong plugs. I tried using some wire and connecting the cases (chassis ground) to the phono ground plug on my mixer to no avail. Since I used to work at Radio Shack (about 12 years ago) I was aware of the Ground Loop Isolator they carry. I picked up a pair of these and it solved the problem perfectly.

If you're experiencing a ground noise problem on an unabalanced circuit it's a relatively cheap solution (about $15). While it's not a 'professional audio' solution - like the equipment that Lonman recommended (which is designed for balanced and unbalanced connections) - it does work if you're having problems at home between your player and computer, etc.

BTW, it's Catalog #270-054 - Home/Automotive Ground Loop Isolator and was priced at $14.99 here (likely cheaper in the 'lower' 48).

Admins, I know in the past posts like this have been deleted because they were considered 'competition' against the sponsors here, none of them offer a ground noise supression solution of ANY kind (at least that I can find on their web sites) and it's been a recurring problem.

Author:  Julie Sunshade [ Sun Nov 14, 2004 7:49 am ]
Post subject: 

I know you mention, however, double check the ground earth.

Author:  karaokemeister [ Mon Nov 15, 2004 11:18 am ]
Post subject: 

I did try seperating them, but the problem is that the RSQ 333, Apex 600A, Soundcraft Compact 10, and the power supply for my RF convertor are all 2 prong connections. It's not possible to 'lift' the ground on a 2 prong supply without looking at the wiring in the building and insuring that the neutral isn't tied to ground in the breaker box, at the wall wiring, or in the power strips I'm using.

In the off chance that anyone else had a similar issue over an unbalanced connection I'm hoping this information proves helpful.

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