jclaydon wrote:
It would be cheaper and a HECK of a lot easier to buy a program to convert the CAVS files into mp3+g tracks
Your discs are known as "SCD+G" (Super CD+G). It's an odd duck format that is poorly named, as it actually isn't a CD at all but a dual layer DVD. They did this so they could cram hundred of songs onto a single disc. The only downside is most all SCD+G songs are only encoded at 128kbps in order to cram even more onto the DVD. (There are exceptions, I cant remember which but I recall when ripping that one brand was at 256kbps.).
Anyway, James is right!
Go buy the Powerkaraoke converter and rip them all to MP3+G. Go here -->
http://www.powerkaraoke.com/src/prod-po ... ripper.php-------------------------------------------
As an aside while googling I came across the CAV's page below. I had no idea they had a free SCD+G creator for download. So if you ever run across someone with a true SCD+G player that wants to make their own home brew discs, they can.