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Alternate Contest #2....
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Author:  chrisavis [ Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:37 am ]
Post subject:  Alternate Contest #2....

We just started a simple raffle contest at one of our venues as a means of increasing attendance.

Every time someone sings, they get a raffle ticket. For every person they bring to the venue they get a bonus raffle ticket. At the end of the night (must be present to win), we draw for a winner. Prizes are still be worked on, but will likely be a small cash prize or gift card in the neighborhood of $50-$100.

The goal is to bring more people in without there being a competition or causing any contest drama. Since the drawing is entirely random, the only way to gain an advantage is to get there early and sing more often and/or bring people with you.

Author:  MtnKaraoke [ Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alternate Contest #2....

I have been doing this for years.

Tourist town(s) mean I get a lot of entries and when the drawing(s) occur, it's usually a local who wins. Once I had a visitor win a $100 gift card and bring it back the next year. Once I had a visitor win some gift certs to a restaurant, but when they came back the following year, the place was closed. They came to the show and told me, so I bought them dinner at my venue on the spot.

The hassle is when doing the drawing, you've got the people in the room and of course everyone else who was "supposed to" write their contact info legibly on the back of the ticket. Yeah, right. Sometimes it takes a dozen or more tries to get a readable stub and then there's no guarantee the person is present or contactable via the info provided. I've self-imposed a limit of 10 minutes to give something away via the tickets and if we can't do it, the prize rolls over to the next monthly drawing.

I added a second prize (must be present to win) so that if the top prize winner is an out-of-towner, someone in the room will get some gift-certs and/or shwag.

I don't do it all the time, but when someone suggests a contest, I usually suggest this instead.

Author:  chrisavis [ Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alternate Contest #2....

I use the tear off tickets with matching numbers. If they don't answer when the number is called, I draw a new one. Can pick up the tickets at any Staples or Office Depot. And mine are "Must Be Present To Win"

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Tue Dec 23, 2014 12:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Alternate Contest #2....

chrisavis wrote:
We just started a simple raffle contest at one of our venues as a means of increasing attendance.

Every time someone sings, they get a raffle ticket. For every person they bring to the venue they get a bonus raffle ticket. At the end of the night (must be present to win), we draw for a winner. Prizes are still be worked on, but will likely be a small cash prize or gift card in the neighborhood of $50-$100.

The goal is to bring more people in without there being a competition or causing any contest drama. Since the drawing is entirely random, the only way to gain an advantage is to get there early and sing more often and/or bring people with you.

Done this often, and think it's the way to go, especially in regard to a new venue. The only difference for me is that I don't give extra tickets for non singers. Wanna win? Come up and join the fun...

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