scottjim wrote:
I have some CDs that are damaged that I can no longer use.
I also have several karaoke cassettes that I love but that are unusable in the latest machines.
Do I have any recourse other than paying full price to replace these?
I guess the answer is yes and no.
Bottom side, maybe, if you can polish out any scratches with a fine polish and a "Disk Doctor" machine.
The top side, (the thinest) is the side that reflects the laser, and if the silver is missing, well all bets are off. It just can't read.
As a rule, I'm not in favor of labels, due to the off center wobble that can kill a good player.
Butt, they do protect the thin top side. (It's your choice)
Do check with your mfg for replacement policies.
Do check ebay for product.
Do check local shops for dis-continued cassettes. (Many here in L.A.)
The clear label that pprotects the bottom, is sold by Avery Labels.
Good luck