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Need help with CAVS CD-98E player
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Author:  anhnguyen310 [ Sat Oct 30, 2004 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Need help with CAVS CD-98E player

hi, im new to this forum....i have a CAVS CD-98E karaoke player and i was wondering if its possible to load songs into the player. I saw the same player i have on ebay and the seller noted that there are songs pre-loaded in the player already. If its possible to do can someone teach me how to do it and what equipment is needed. Thanx in advance


Author:  karaokemeister [ Sun Oct 31, 2004 12:04 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't have that player and when I searched the only player I saw was the CAVS CDO-98E. That player isn't a normal player used for karaoke in the states since it doesn't play CD+G's, but does play VCD and midi. I'm not aware of any way to load a large number of songs onto your existing player.

Chances are they are referring to using a MIDI disc and playing from the one disk a large number of songs. Yes, it's misleading, but since midi files are extremely small you can fit large numbers of them on a single disk (over 1000). Many of the advertisments I saw for the CDO-98E came with over 15,000 midi karaoke files for a variety of languages. From what I've read, midi karaoke is more popular outside of the US but I have limited exposure on this to speak intelligently.

BTW, the Cavs JB-99 supports loading large numbers of songs in a format similar to MP3+CDG and the DVD-202G supports Super CD+G which is similar to MP3+CDG on a single DVD so that you can use about 1200 songs per disc or so.

Author:  anhnguyen310 [ Sun Oct 31, 2004 9:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanx for the reply

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