Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

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Author:  Crystal [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 10:04 am ]

Ok.... if you haven't heard it yet.... no matter HOW little time you have, You've GOTTA hear "unchanined Melody" by Ohioboii...... I can barely breathe after listening to that powerhouse!!! *HOOOOOOWEEE!!!*

Author:  Tony [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 10:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Statement removed because I don't have time for this! :roll:

Author:  Crystal [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Here we go again!!!
ok..... I don't rant much..... but I'm gonna NOW
Allstar, I have nothing against YOU personally, But I DO have something againsts your (and others') priorities! You seem more preoccupied with who comments and who doesn't, and who ranks, and who doesn't, and who LISTENS and who doesn't than you are with just sitting back and enjoying some great music and conversation. This site is for .....let me spell it for you..... E-N-T-E-R-T-A-I-N-M-E-N-T!!!!!!!! nothing more!!!! Just because someone doesn't comment or reply or listen or WHATEVER on this fricken site, doesn't mean that we shouldn't COMPLIMENT the kid!! GOOD GRIEF!!! I'm downright SICK of this WHOLE fricken mess!!!! Ohioboii is a great singer!! and I, for one, don't give a FLYING (p)UCK if he replies or NOT!! maybe he doesn't have time.......maybe he just doesn't want to.........maybe he doesn't know HOW!! WHO CARES??? I liked it!! And I complimented him. And THAT, m' friend, is MY "PEROGATIVE!!!"

PS--- Phill if you need to delete this fine...... but my question is.... would you delete this if someone from the "clique" wrote it??? I'm sorry to bring you into this because I think your site is incredible!!! and it's such a shame that it's being bastardized into a political shamble!!! Don't we deal with enough of this crap in our REAL lives?????

Author:  Tony [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:37 am ]
Post subject: 

Statement removed because I don't have time for this! :roll:

Author:  timberlea [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Way to go Crystal! Exactly! Somewhere along the way the word fun was taken away and replaced with who's better than who. Me, I'm not a great singer but I don't care. To paraphrase Cyndi Lauper "I just wanna have fun". I guess most of us above the 49th are just a hell of a lot more laid back.

Author:  Buttrfligyrl [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:47 am ]
Post subject: 

*SIGH* :roll: :roll: :roll:

Ok yeah, i'm all for freedom of speech but c'mon!! Phill just had to clean up and split one thread that went WAY off topic...Is it really necessary to complicate matters here?

Crystal was blown away by a sub..fantastic! Bring it to the attention of others...and some, who don't go by the "i'll listen and comment on YOURS if you listen and comment on MINE" philosophy, might just go take a listen...

Gawd, some people just enjoy stirrin the pot....if ya wanna discuss someone not listening/commenting on other peoples subs, please go find the appropriate thread instead of attempting to change the direction of THIS one...

Now....i'm off to go find the song...I personally don't care if he listens to me or not!

**hopping off soap box** (for now)

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