I was going through my early morning subs with a cup of coffee and nearly choked! This is the best Friday in my life yet
From somebody that cannot hold a single note comes the following.
Name withheld to protect myself
OP: the first part of the first verse the words were more spoken and didn't flow...not really "Sung", then ya finally got into it..and you seemed more comfy... in and out of key... notes not really held in the places where it really counted that gave it the "Heart & soul" the song needs... I felt it left me hanging on the "Edge". In my book a 7. The track is an excellent choice. Reply: Um... thanks for the critique (?) Even though I tend to laugh at most of the advice you give folks (not sure if you intend them to be funny but MAN are they), I will try to take at least some of this seriously.
I'll admit you DID catch my attention... Q-Q you are slightly high in key in this..nothing a key changer could fix as it's about 1/8 step... the timing in my listening expierence seems ok.. I found no problem with this part of the song.. I personally feel that the vocals could have been slightly lower in the track but not buried. all and all I call this a 9. near perfection. great work... :-}
Reply: nahh no key changer that's me thats my interpretation, never copy an original artist i say if your voice is not simular because you will always be a terrible 2nd....do it your own way and who knows people might enjoy and forget how it really was meant heh
Not bad... looks like the Tropical season has done ya some good.. I loved it Tony. Excellent choice. I'll Be back on with New Material in 3 weeks when I'm back from Europe.
(Who gives a
(@$%!) when you come back? This specific sub was about Tonmay singing, had nothing to do with your wonderful life)
Sigh....some people