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Singer into
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Author:  Mehmedic [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Singer into

I've been singing karaoke for 15 years now and recently just started to host. I have two shows wed and sat which have be come successful. My down fall is introduction of singers. And when they are done. Ideas??

Author:  chrisavis [ Mon Jan 20, 2014 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Singer into

Mehmedic wrote:
I've been singing karaoke for 15 years now and recently just started to host. I have two shows wed and sat which have be come successful. My down fall is introduction of singers. And when they are done. Ideas??

The key thing you will want to avoid is saying the same intro and exit over and over for every singer. You won't notice yourself doing as often as the audience will. Sit down and write out as many intros and exits as you can come up with and practice them. Maybe even put a post it note on your board as a reminder to use different lines. After a while it will become more natural and easier to improve intors and exits.


Author:  Mehmedic [ Mon Jan 20, 2014 6:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Singer into

That's ehat I've caught myself doing. And been racking my brain thinking of things to say.

Author:  TxDavid [ Mon Jan 20, 2014 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Singer into

When some people take their sweet time getting to the stage after I call their name, I'll do a quick run down of the rotation, remind everyone about the bartender's name, rattle off drink specials, promote the show, push any special events, etc.

For exits, you can play off the songs/singer. "That was Slammin' Sandy - Rockin the Dokken!" stuff like that. As well as any of the aforementioned items.

Author:  singsong [ Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Singer into

I notice that sometimes when singers are called up they take ages because they are at the bar, talking to someone or lighting a fag to come on stage with.

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Singer into

singsong wrote:
I notice that sometimes when singers are called up they take ages because they are at the bar, talking to someone or lighting a fag to come on stage with.

Then play a bit. If you have wireless mics, walk over to the person and say - on mic - "I'd like to extend my personal invitation to join me up front and share a song." or some such. Or " If someone can find a crowbar to separate John from that lovely lady maybe he'll join us.."

All done with a smile, of course. Just a tiny bit of embarassment ( and I mean TINY) can keep it from happening again. However, DO NOT overdo it - that can make for an unhappy patron.

One very important hosting skill is learning to read your customers and know those you can joke with and those you can't.

Author:  johnreynolds [ Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Singer into

singsong wrote:
I notice that sometimes when singers are called up they take ages because they are at the bar, talking to someone or lighting a fag to come on stage with.

We fortunately have "No Smoking" venues, but we DO allow flamers to light up the stage anytime :shock: :evil: :angel: :withstupid:

Author:  Cueball [ Tue Jan 21, 2014 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Singer into

johnreynolds wrote:
We fortunately have "No Smoking" venues, but we DO allow flamers to light up the stage anytime :shock: :evil: :angel: :withstupid:

I will not drink coke and read this Forum at the same time.
I will not drink coke and read this Forum at the same time.
I will not drink coke and read this Forum at the same time.
I will not drink coke and read this Forum at the same time.
I will not drink coke and read this Forum at the same time.
I will not drink coke and read this Forum at the same time.
I will not drink coke and read this Forum at the same time.
I will not drink coke and read this Forum at the same time.
I will not drink coke and read this Forum at the same time.
I will not drink coke and read this Forum at the same time.
I will not drink coke and read this Forum at the same time.
I will not drink coke and read this Forum at the same time.
I will not drink coke and read this Forum at the same time.
I will not drink coke and read this Forum at the same time.
I will not drink coke and read this Forum at the same time.

Author:  TxDavid [ Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Singer into

johnreynolds wrote:
singsong wrote:
I notice that sometimes when singers are called up they take ages because they are at the bar, talking to someone or lighting a fag to come on stage with.

We fortunately have "No Smoking" venues, but we DO allow flamers to light up the stage anytime :shock: :evil: :angel: :withstupid:

HA! That's funny stuff right there.

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