Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

It is sad.......
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Author:  RLC [ Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  It is sad.......

When I sign into Karaoke Scene forums the first thing I do is go to unread posts to see new posts since my last visit, as I am sure many of you do also.
Even though there may be topics I am following, it is sad to say that there are posters on this forum, whose name when seen as the author of the last post on a topic, I will not even bother to read their post. These posters have nothing new to say or anything of value to offer on the topic, they only spill the same dribble with every single one of their posts and it matters not what the topic is. They insist on turning every topic into a legalities post. They are obviously too stupid to know that there is a legalities section for such discussions.
It is sickening and it is sad, these people have no life! We all know who they are as do they.
They are retired or ODB or not even a KJ yet they are consumed with the legalities surrounding computerized karaoke when they don’t even have any skin in the game!
God I wish they would get a life!
Rant over, carry on.

Author:  Earl [ Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: It is sad.......

Egg-zack-lee! Well said.

Frankly, I haven't been around this forum long enough to know who to ignore, but I do tend to skip over anything to do with legalities and pirates. Sorry folks, but that old horse has been beaten to death, and I'm just not interested anymore. And besides, as RLC says, there's a section set aside specifically to discuss such topics.

On the other hand, if someone could explain in really simple terms the difference between "volume" and "gain"... or how those little electrons get from here to there through a solid wire... I'd be eternally indebted to them.

Oops... didn't mean to side-track. Back to your regularly scheduled program...

Author:  Skid Rowe [ Sat Jan 11, 2014 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: It is sad.......

Which is why I rarely post anymore. Thank you RLC.

Author:  TheToolman [ Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: It is sad.......

The short time I've been on here, I've already picked out the cry-babies and $*#(-starters.

This community is too small to be having these petty childish differences. Good post, sir.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: It is sad.......

Maybe we should move this into the Legal forums.......:)

Author:  doowhatchulike [ Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: It is sad.......

One of the largest, most influential unions in the world just received, and verbalized respect for, a decision handed down to the highest paid baseball player of all time--by an INDEPENDENT ARBITRATOR. Although this area is little more than a blip on the scale of MLB, there is much to be said for information, opinions and thoughts from some who are outside of the direct influence of the two embattled sides, i.e., one who does not have "skin in the game". Even if the bias is unavoidable, sometimes you just have to settle for a minimizing of that bias. The "outside looking in" viewpoint should always be considered along with any other...

Author:  RLC [ Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: It is sad.......

doowhatchulike wrote:
One of the largest, most influential unions in the world just received, and verbalized respect for, a decision handed down to the highest paid baseball player of all time--by an INDEPENDENT ARBITRATOR. Although this area is little more than a blip on the scale of MLB, there is much to be said for information, opinions and thoughts from some who are outside of the direct influence of the two embattled sides, i.e., one who does not have "skin in the game". Even if the bias is unavoidable, sometimes you just have to settle for a minimizing of that bias. The "outside looking in" viewpoint should always be considered along with any other...

By no means do I wish to have the opinion of someone who does not have any "skin in the game" stifled, I just want them to keep those opinions in the proper forum!
That also goes for people who do have "skin in the game" as well!
If someone wants to make 4000 posts, always saying the same dribble, by all means-knock yourself out! Go to the legalities forum and start 4000 new topics and spew your dribble there! Your post count will go up and you won't be subjecting the rest of us to the same post over and over and over and over again, unless of course there is someone on here that wants to read the same post over and over and over and over again! To them I also say knock yourself out! Have fun.

It is kind of like someone going into a Super Target and loading up their cart with 100 packages of frozen corn and then going over to the electronics department and placing some of those packages on the shelves next to electronics items and then to the automotive department and doing the same thing...they don't belong there!!!
Keep your frozen packages of corn in your cart or take them back to the frozen food section where they belong!

The minimizing of that bias, as you state, would be keeping these repetitive posts in the forum where they belong.

Author:  Brian A [ Sat Jan 11, 2014 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: It is sad.......

Liked again! Finally, someone who tells it like it is! The threads & its ugly side that truly should belong in the legalities section. My sentiments exactly. I could not have said it better myself. To RLC: :clapper: my hat is off to you, buddy!

Author:  Vince Prince [ Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: It is sad.......

I ignore any and all posts concerning legalities and pirates.

With that said, I haven't seen any here lately. So I don't know who RL is referring to. Probably a good thing for me... lol. Maybe I'm just looking at the wrong threads. I do admit that I don't read every thread here.

Author:  RLC [ Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: It is sad.......

Vince Prince wrote:
I ignore any and all posts concerning legalities and pirates.

With that said, I haven't seen any here lately. So I don't know who RL is referring to. Probably a good thing for me... lol. Maybe I'm just looking at the wrong threads. I do admit that I don't read every thread here.

If you go to this post above you will see that it was liked by The Lone Ranger....think about it for a moment....the very first statement in this post and then the fact that this post was liked by The Lone Ranger. Does anyone else see the irony here?

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