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Newbie looking for a Karaoke DVD CD+G player
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Author:  sushix [ Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Newbie looking for a Karaoke DVD CD+G player

Hi, I am new to karaoke. I am looking for a low price karaoke dvd player.

Author:  marley rules [ Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:41 am ]
Post subject: 


Try the RSQ dvd 505. It plays DVDs as well as CD+Gs. It should retail for about $220.00. RSQ also makes a cheaper player for about $160(delivered). I am not familiar with that model, but you can get them as well as other players from DTS Karaoke online. Avoid those inexpensive units you see all over ebay and the like. They are okay as a spare DVD player for the guest bedroom, but you may be disappointed with them as a karaoke player.

Author:  karaokemeister [ Mon Oct 18, 2004 9:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Whatever you do, avoid the $100 (or less) DVD/karaoke players like the Ritech 3700/3900 series. I have one of each and neither swipes the graphics smoothly. Yes, they'll play CD+G's but they 'stutter' when they swipe. I have a $40 Memorex boombox CD+G player that does CD+G's better. Spend the extra money for the RSQ and you won't be disappointed.

Author:  KjSammy [ Thu Oct 21, 2004 3:23 pm ]
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I was just at a computer swap meet thinymabobber with JD Meister. Saw some "nice" players DVD/VCD/CDG/CDRW for about 60 clams. They looked fine to me, JD says he's having more fun with it than a karaoke cabbage could possibly have.


Author:  metalgod [ Fri Oct 22, 2004 1:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Sammys BACK . Its about freakin time dude. Purgatory must be hell....We missed you bro....metalgod/rokkenroke

Author:  knightshow [ Fri Oct 22, 2004 4:46 am ]
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one thing about the current dvd players... many of them are self contained... no outside vents. They don't last a year with continuous playing, such as marathon movies. So without a way to keep the unit cooled down (even a fan dosen't seem to help... maybe underneath, but I've yet to try that and have it workl successfully.

Would be curious to see the unit that Sammy and JD are talkin' about.

So many things are becoming multi- units nowadays. I like that for HOME usage. However, speaking as a person in "the business", I like using the pro equipment. It's WORTH it to me confidently knowing this stuff will work the way it's supposed to.

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Sat Oct 23, 2004 1:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

RSQ Notes to Retailers...

My retailer showed me a Memo this morning as I was in the process of purchasing another RSQ 505, and was thing of possibly going to step down to a 405...

this is not verbatum but this is how I remember seeing it I will go back monday and get a copy as I was offered one. to post this thread.

It read something like this.. but not exactly...
Our Product model number RSQ-405 will incur some shipping delays (although not desirable for KJ's and commercial use.. as recommended more for home use) The recommended player at this time due to availability is still the RSQ-505, due to it's features and the availabity of the servicable electronics for repair. We appologise for the delays and inconvience.

This means if you have a RSQ-405.. DO NOT THROW IT AWAY... It just means it may be a few weeks longer than normal to get your machine back from repair... If parts are not in stock.

If you are considering buying one.. and it is in stock.. it's still a good machine.. If that is what you want.. Sure GET IT! :wink:

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