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Country hits for the last few years
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Author:  Krisko [ Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Country hits for the last few years

Hey guys... I ran into a bit of a snag with a project I took on for some extra cash (daddy wants new gear). I'm renovating a karaoke company for a bar that's way in over their heads lol. It was a hosts worst nightmare. Half of the music on CAV, half on CD, handled by an A/B switch to alternate and spread out over 4 different song books with no discernible organization whatsoever lol.

It gets worse, but that's not the point.

I ran into a snag with the song transfer process, due to bad CD's and won't be ripping any more of the discs, but puts them behind about 4 - 5 years worth of music.

I recommended picking up some of the Zoom Pop Packs (which is a steal of a deal, if you ask me) but leaves a big gaping hole in country, and was wondering if anyone knows of a *good* all country solution to at least fill in a little of the gap.

I was looking at the SBI All Stars series, and while it is an option, may try to go cheaper if I can.

Thanks for all the help you guys have given me over the last couple years. This place is wealth of information! :D


Author:  mightywiz [ Sat Aug 03, 2013 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Country hits for the last few years

walmart still sells the allstar karaoke custom cards 45 songs for $20 bucks. .44 cents a song.

I bought 9 cards and filled a 2.5 yr gap when I restarted karaoke after my back surgery.

here is the link:


Author:  MrBoo [ Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Country hits for the last few years

Both Karaoke Version and Tricerasoft offer bulk buy discounts. Tricerasoft stores your credits to use at will. DT has the cloud or you can buy on the fly. I think in this case, buying what you need as you go makes the most sense. I've got around 3000 dups or non-sung songs with a zero play count.

Author:  Krisko [ Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Country hits for the last few years

Thanks for the replies! :)

That Walmart card is perfect. I have an account with Tricerasoft, but Allstar seems pretty awesome for country, and the pricepoint of that ecard is exactly what I was looking for!

Only glitch is, I'm not exactly what you'd call a country expert. I'll hafta consult a couple of the other hosts for that.

I think between that, the Zoom Packs, and Tricerasoft for anything else, that solves my problem. Thanks a bunch :)

Author:  Tatton22 [ Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Country hits for the last few years

Awesome Deal on the Walmart Card!!! Wish I'd have caught this one sooner.
Thanks MW!


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