Hiya Peeps,
Today I subbed a song now i know i was silly but i never checked it like i normally would and after a couple of hours i really felt dissapointed at myself because i had done 2 takes of the song and i had subbed the take i wasn't as happy with ...duhhhh brain i know ....but obviously cause its been there a while and people were begining to comment thought welllll its ok ... ok now i will stop waffling and get to the point
olol....is it possible as a member to delete the song...then resub it without losing the comments that people have already put?????
I am not gonna do that even if it is possible its not the worst thing ive ever done and it gives me a chance in a couple of months to re sub it and put the version in that i was happy with when i got nowt else to sing hehe
anyways just curious....what i also think might be cool is if we can modify the description on your own subs...many times ive noticed my spelling mistakes after and its too late to change em....what you think??
anyways i will stop ma waffling now ....have i posted this in the right place as well
ol i get muggled up with these forums hehehe