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Have you ever barred anyone from singing?
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Author:  outllawXsound [ Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

I had a woman that came to one of my shows and called my help a(bad name). Then threw a drink at her. Bar owner did nothing. I barred her from singing. She kept coming back day after day for 7 weeks. (I was doing 5 shows a week here.) I still never let her sing.

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

I have banned people from singing who refuse to abide by the rules that are in place.

A drink thrown at anyone in our club would mean automatic 86 - at least a 30 day, if it happens again, 60 day, then permanent! That's what I talk about when a bar owner/manager doesn't do anything, that stuff will happen.

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

Once I had a guy put the mike down his pants. He got run out of the bar never to return again. Side note I disinfected the mike before using it again.

Author:  outllawXsound [ Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

DannyG2006 wrote:
Once I had a guy put the mike down his pants. He got run out of the bar never to return again. Side note I disinfected the mike before using it again.

OH YEA!!!! :shock: :rotflmao:

Author:  TroyVnd27 [ Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

We barred the guy I mentioned in a thread a couple months ago after he had a major fit after not winning a $25 Karaoke Contest. Well, we were supposed to. Thing is, he never comes in without 6-10 people with him - to include his parents.

I was supposed to tell him he was barred the next time he came in, but after talking it over with the owner on that next night, we both came to the conclusion that if we barred him on that night, his whole group would leave. So, we didn't. And, we still haven't.

Haven't had any more problems with him, but there is definite tension there.

Author:  twansenne [ Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

One person for life, and the song sang is not allowed at that bar ever againe .

The person in question is a complete low-life drunk looser. 3 of his "friends" while drunk decided to go swimming below a dam, and drowned.

The night he got banned, he and some other "friends" wanted to sing a song in tribute of the 3 drunks that drowned. "Champagne Supernova" was sung, and after the song he threw the mic on the tile floor, and broke it.

3 weeks later he was banned from coming into the bar.

The bar is under now ownership so he can come to the bar, but he still is permanently banned from singing at my shows, and the new owners are OK with it. And Champagne Supernova is still not played after 6 years.

I have banned a few others for one night that got too drunk to sing.

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

banned the lady who threw the mic at her boyfriend when he was talking to another girl. :withstupid:
and the one who tossed it over his shoulder when he was done with as much as he could sing :o
and the one who took it in the bathroom and dropped it in the (thankfully not dirty) toilet :shock:
and the guy who was playing drums on the table with the mic :banghead:
those seem to be the only ones i have issues with. thankfully my mics are high end and can take it.

Author:  chrisavis [ Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

I had a girl do one of those "I'm out!" mic drops after a song once. I tracked her down and confronted her on it and told her she wasn't allowed to sing any more at my shows. She apologized profusely and told me the moment just got the best of her. She was actually very sincere about it and were it not for the fact that she had an awesome voice and was a great entertainer, I would have held to my ban.

I have had some screamers I have had to warn more than once but otherwise, I think I have had it easy compared to some of you above.

Ask me again in 20 years :)


Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

Disrespect of my equipment, ethnic/racial slurs, or abusive behavior are grounds for banning- and I don't care if it's the owner's mother. Gone.

Author:  MrBoo [ Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

I had a some "rest of the nighters" and one 30 day. No one was banned forever from singing. The bar banned several people for life that sung, but not because of anything they did that was related to the show.

Funniest one: One drunk guy kept insisting he was next. Over and over and over, "Next... Next... Next...". I told him if he insisted one more time he wasn't singing the rest of the night. Of course he did and I told him he was done for the night, come back next week. He went over to the owner, I could read his lips, "I can't help ya" with his hands out. Guy stayed in the bar and drank even more.. lol Came back the next week, drunk, and insisted once again. I told him, "don't make me cut you off again" He turned around, walked back to his seat and it was the last time he did it...

Author:  TopherM [ Thu Apr 25, 2013 6:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

I had a drunk guy that I had never met before show up out of nowhere and demand that I buy him a beer. I was nice at first, but he started escalating his tone, basically saying that I owed him a beer somehow. I walked over and told his friends that they needed to come get him, but they thought it was funny and didn't really do anything.

The dude then literally grabbed my beer and took a big chug. I pushed him down. His friends found the energy to come get him then. The dude was so drunk that he couldn't even get up. We only have a bouncer on the weekends, and this was my Wednesday show, so I told the bartender what happened and they weren't kicked out, but they were cut off, so the situation fixed itself.

The guy was back the next week asking to sing, and was sober this time. I told him he was banned until he bought me another beer. He seemed like a nice enough guy sober. He got me a pitcher and apologized profusely, and that was good enough.

Haven't seen that guy in the bar since. :argue:

Author:  ripman8 [ Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

DannyG2006 wrote:
Once I had a guy put the mike down his pants. He got run out of the bar never to return again. Side note I disinfected the mike before using it again.

Was his initials JR?

Author:  Kuelman1 [ Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

Only once and only for the rest of the night. I had a lady and her husband come up to sing a duo. She was so drunk halfway through the song she knocked over another patrons 32oz. margarita. It spilled all over the floor and then she slipped and fell on her butt right into it. I had to manhandle the microphone away from her as she would not let go of it. Her hubby apologized and he and her friends carried her out and poured her into thier car.

Author:  andrew3000 [ Sat Apr 27, 2013 5:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

I used to host the busiest karaoke night around on Friday nights. It attracted all the barely-21 college kids and local yuppies, and it was an absolute sh*tshow; I've lost track of the amount of people I've banned for the remainder of the night there. People were aggressive, entitled, and mind-bogglingly drunk. I had drunks in my face, accusations of racism/ageism/sexism, people knocking over equipment... plenty of people that were barred from singing for the rest of the night.

There was only one guy that got the boot for good. He was the drunkest person I've ever seen in the history of drunkenness - at all times - and would request a song and just scream. Not like he would scream the words, mind you - if it were a mere volume issue, I could just turn him down - but he would simply scream nonsense sounds at the top of his voice, as so:

"aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" - Lynyrd Skynyrd, "Gimme Three Steps"
"AAAAAHHHHHH! AHHHH! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!" - Cee-Lo Green, "F*ck You"
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHaaaaHHHHHH!" - Led Zeppelin, "Black Dog"

And so on and so forth. This, combined with his predilection for dancing wildly directly into the equipment (knocking over my TV and stand at one point), led to a lifetime ban on singing for this cat.

Author:  mckyj57 [ Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

JoeChartreuse wrote:
Disrespect of my equipment,

Does that include your germ collector? 8-)

Author:  TedJankowski [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

I was banned after telling the Host/Owner at a bar in Flint he had the best Karaoke in the area. Wow, Guess I should have told him it sucked.

Author:  Cueball [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

TedJankowski wrote:
I was banned after telling the Host/Owner at a bar in Flint he had the best Karaoke in the area. Wow, Guess I should have told him it sucked.

I'll bite... Let's hear the rest of the story.

Author:  purpletib [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

I have yet to ban anyone, and I have a few horror stories. One from my birthday a month ago. Most of the time it is for drunks getting very belligerent with me over not letting them sing next.

Author:  TedJankowski [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

cueball wrote:
I'll bite... Let's hear the rest of the story.

I thought maybe he somehow miss heard me. So i made sure he did. Nope he was pissed. Whole story end of story. Maybe he was mad I had only stopped in and sang one song and left. Or thought I was screwing with him somehow. Don't know. But it might have had something to do a woman in the past. LOL

Author:  outllawXsound [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Have you ever barred anyone from singing?

purpletib wrote:
I have yet to ban anyone, and I have a few horror stories. One from my birthday a month ago. Most of the time it is for drunks getting very belligerent with me over not letting them sing next.

Yep the ole I'm next, next, next, next. Why ain't I next? Then mad as h*** because they have to wait their turn....

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