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When Do You Plan To Retire?
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Author:  Earl [ Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  When Do You Plan To Retire?

Even though I'll be turning 69 this summer, I feel like I'm still at the top of my game as far as my Karaoke shows are concerned. And the attendance figures seem to support that contention.

However, Father Time is taking it's toll with medical complications (heart attacks, diabetes) and physical limitations... (those Mackie SRM 450s are getting really heavy).

To top it off, my memory is certainly not what it once was... and that can be rather embarrasing when I forget someone's name.

Nevertheless, my two weekly shows are consistently near capacity, and I'm always looking forward to seeing all those familiar faces, and new ones too. Not only am I having lots of fun, but I sometimes suspect that without Karaoke I could very well be "pushing up daisys" by now.

So, to answer my own question, I'd have to say... "Not anytime soon".

My friend used to say he would quit the mobile DJ business "when they pried the microphone from his cold, dead hands", and I'm starting to think the same way.

I really have no idea why I'm about to post this... Just the ramblings of an old curmuDJeon, I guess.

Author:  chrisavis [ Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

I am 47. Social Security may not even exist when I am of retirement age. I am not sure that retirement is even a realistic option. The whole reason I am busting my (@$%&#!) working a full time day job + side projects is so I can sock away some money.....someday.


Author:  johnreynolds [ Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

All The Best to you Earl and your health! :)

I feel like i'm 69 or better yet 79 sometimes. I went through a MAJOR Burnout in this industry a few years ago. Running a full service entertainment company with barely a break for many years took its toll on my health, although i've always eaten healthy.

It took having kids to put things in the proper perspective. Fortunately i made/saved enough money from years of corporate gigs that i could take off a few years to clear my mind. Investments made good returns too fortunately.

I work only part time now but i feel increasingly annoyed with international tourists, hell, even domestic tourists from new york and california (youngsters i mean), that are self-entitled and haven't learned proper respect or etiquette towards their elders.

I guess i'm tired of babysitting grown adults, but that's what i'm doing in order to get my social fix. My own kids behave better than most of my singers.

Hopefully our plans for opening an Italian Restaurant & Bar next year come through. We are partnering with some old friends to reduce the financial risk, and we don't need to mortgage the house. Still waiting on their commitment.

To answer your question. I can't see myself fully retiring anytime soon, but i am somewhat semi-retired and only work part-time now. But as soon as the restaurant opens, well....it'll be double full-time hours again for the first 3 years.

Author:  ripman8 [ Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

Dunno, I live for the moments!

Author:  The Lone Ranger [ Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

8) I'm almost where you are Earl, I'll be 68 in July, and plan to fully retire at 70. I don't need the money since I have a government pension and so does my wife, also I have investments, karaoke only accounts for 1/3rd of my income, and I can quit anytime. I have some health issues, but for the most part because of diet and exercise I'm in good shape. My senior moments are still few and far apart. My business partner for many years who fills in when I'm not working is getting older to and when he goes then I will quit. I'm currently working 6 days a week 10 months a year. I still use my Yamaha club speakers that weigh over 60 pounds, my joke is when I can't setup anymore it is time to quit. Getting them up on the stands though is a bit of a struggle, sometimes I cheat and use by little BR 12's and the sub, don't tell anyone. Have a blessed day.

Author:  TopherM [ Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

When Do You Plan To Retire?

When they start playing 90s gangster rap on oldies stations! :giveup:

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

TopherM wrote:
When Do You Plan To Retire?

When they start playing 90s gangster rap on oldies stations! :giveup:

:rofl4: that sounds about right.
i'm only 36 so i have a while, and there DEFINATELY won;t be and SS available for me so unless i grow to many rigs i don;t see retirement comin' my way.

Author:  simpmech [ Thu Apr 11, 2013 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

My thought process is retire from my day job somewhere around 60-63, then do DJ & KJ until it hurts when I pee :bawling:

Author:  mrmarog [ Thu Apr 11, 2013 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

I'm 62 and I tried to retire at 61. The lure of how much fun I had at my gigs has given me a way to be retired (mostly) and gig occasionally. I have let several hosts know that if they need a vacation, or get sick, they can call me and I'll be there. So far it has worked well, and until my nearly 22 year old (b'day June 3) 2.4 lb. Maltese/Poodle passes I am stuck at not going far from home.

Author:  hrican [ Thu Apr 11, 2013 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

I am 80 going on 81, with the same ailments most my age have, but the only time I feel good is whatever venue I may be doing.. I guess the end will come whenever it comes, until then I plan to keep on trucking...

Author:  Brian A [ Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

hrican wrote:
I am 80 going on 81, with the same ailments most my age have, but the only time I feel good is whatever venue I may be doing.. I guess the end will come whenever it comes, until then I plan to keep on trucking...

I was gonna say I’m the most senior member here until Hrican’s post. Congrats & my hat is off to you, Mr. Hrican with respect & admiration. You said it best, ‘keep on truckin’ - & that’s what I intend to do.

65, 69? You guys are still too young to be talking about retirement. Don’t you know that 70 is the new 50? At 71, I look & act like I’m 50 or younger. No sh*t!

Originally from the Pacific Islands, we Asians look much younger than our real age, probably because of our daily staples of rice & fish. :lol: (kidding). Mandatory physical fitness from my military days still goes on to this day. I go to the gym 3x a week, situations permitting. Aches & pains? What’s that? Ain’t got none. Knock on wood!

So Earl, count your blessings. We have more mileage left & a lot more years to surprise our friends when we tell them our true age. Here’s what a 71 yr old senior citizen looks like. :) This is me rockin’-out 3months ago; cover of Chuck Berry’s song, posted youtube Jan 19, 2013. Retire? You said it, Earl. Not anytime soon! :lol:


Author:  timberlea [ Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

Retire? What's that? I plan to continue to work as long as I am able.

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

" Old Karaoke Hosts never die.....they just can't lift their speakers anymore."

.....at which point I guess I'll go to Bose... :wink: :lol:

I love what I do beyond belief, and have inherited some incredible genetics from BOTH my parents. My dad played 2 sets of tennis aday until he was 93. My mother, at 88, is a long distance swimmer, tennis player, and as I recently discovered, has taken up skateboarding ( she actually scares me). I was getting paid to fight until I was 48.

Retire? Ummmm......at around 150- IF I get bored... :mrgreen:

Author:  Rangerover [ Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

hrican wrote:
I am 80 going on 81, with the same ailments most my age have, but the only time I feel good is whatever venue I may be doing.. I guess the end will come whenever it comes, until then I plan to keep on trucking...

Wow 80 I'm impressed, but I'm 69 like the OP. I retired from my regular work at 62, but never retired from music. I picked up my first musical instrument we found in an old abandoned house up in the mountains, a bango at 9 years old. At 14 I swapped a Red Ryder BB gun for a guitar. Been playing guitars ever since. I had my own band for a number of years, even got to play in Nashville. I still play in the bands on Fri and Sat, and once in awhile on Sunday and of course "Strings in The Park", Wednesdays during the warm months. I do Karaoke when I'm not playing in a band somewhere's and dedicated Thurs evenings. I'll either die with a guitar in my hand or like somebody said my fingers wrapped around a mic. My music keeps me going and I'm beginning to realize that those of us with music in our hearts might last a little longer than folks who retire and after the nice vacations just after retirement from our regular jobs look forward to our weekends and all the friends we make. I figure we been given a gift of music by the Dear Lord and I think He wants us to bring gladness and that kind of love to our fellow man. One my favorite singers I sing most of his songs and been following him and listening to him since I was 9 years old is Mr Ray Price he's 87 years old now and still doing shows in spite of his physical problems, what an inspiration for me! Keep on doing music, it's hard not to if it's in your blood and you can stand up, that's all you got to do! God Bless all ya's!

Author:  Rangerover [ Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

Stay young!

Author:  Skid Rowe [ Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

Pushing 66 here. Still doing shows, and as long as people keep showing up to sing, I'll keep doing shows. With my heart transplant, I may keep going to 100. Folks here are right. 70 is the new 50. BTW, great video of Johnny B Goode. Hope I feel that good at 70. Noticed the real guitar (not a blowup), and headset mic. Looks like a really fun show.

Author:  Earl [ Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

Brian.... you absolutely kick some very serious butt... I'd love to catch your show sometime... You are "The Man"..

I'm not surprised that it appears a good percentage of us are doing shows well into an age where many folks just want to put their feet up and wither away.

Come to think of it... of the seven or so Karaoke hosts I can think of in this area, five of us are well past "normal" retirement age.

Speaking of which... I've been retired from the work-day world for over 18 years... having taken the "golden handshake", and a decent pension, shortly after turning 50... and haven't missed it one bit.

Like most of you here, I'll keep doing shows as long as I'm wanted and the audiences keep coming...

Author:  jdmeister [ Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

Retired twice, back at work as we speak..

I'm back teaching @ the college.. They made me an offer I couldn't refuse.. :mrgreen:

Author:  ripman8 [ Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

hican, you are my dad's age. u make me feel young and give me hope! Hey Brian, wow!

Author:  hrican [ Sun Apr 14, 2013 6:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When Do You Plan To Retire?

I sat down today and thought, "what have I done with 80 years of my life, will I ever (Retire)????

Retired Military, Retired Hawaii Dept of Helath, Retired University Professor, Retire Nevada Dept of Health and of course SS.

In the Military, I traveled to Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Equador, Colombia, Peru.
Japan, Philippines, Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Laos, Thailand, India,
I Learned to speak Spanish, French, Thai, Filipino, Japanese, Hawaiian
When I retired from the military I when to Chaminade U in Hawaii and attained a BGS (Psychology)
Entered the University of northern Colorado attained an MS in (Psychology)
Attended Union Graduate and attained a Ph.D in (Clinical Psychology)
I worked for Hawaii Department of Health as a Clinical Psychologist.
I became a Computer certified technician CompTia A+ Network + Security + and CNNA
I taught at the University of Hawaii Computer IT and Psychology upper and lower courses.
I taught at Hawaii Pacific U Psychology
I taught at Central Texas U Computers. IT and Psychology
I retired from Hawaii Department of Health and the University of Hawaii.
I moved to Nevada
I worked for Nevada Department of Mental Health
Retired from Nevada Department of Mental Health
I became a Realtor
I teach Computer certification courses for the College of Southern Nevada
On my leisure time I am a DJ and Karaoke DJ, under my banner of Country Dream Entertainment.
I also sing, in Spanish, Hawaiian, Filipino, Japanese and Thai.
I am Buddhist
I am a member of MENSA
I am an officer of Mesquite Nevada Elks Lodge #2811
I have been married three times the third time going on to 45 years
I have a son, a grandson, a daughter in law, a daughter, a cousin, and many nephews
My wife is Thai..

Now I wonder what I will do till the end of my time???? Retire? only when I am dead….

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