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Only half of my song uploaded??
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Author:  Gilly [ Mon Sep 27, 2004 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Only half of my song uploaded??

So... how can this be remedied.. or fixed? Lol, at first it uploaded.. with no title, or description... then, I fixed that.. and it turns out that only hald of the song actually uploaded.. but I can't delete it myself.. AND, I can only upload one...?

Author:  wannabe [ Mon Sep 27, 2004 7:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Just send a PM to Phill and he can delete it for you. Otherwise I think you have to wait 5 days to do it yourself. Phill usually gets on it right away.

Author:  Gilly [ Mon Sep 27, 2004 7:47 am ]
Post subject: 

OK:) Done and Done:) Thanks:) Now... just waiting for it to be deleted:)

Author:  ritisroo [ Mon Sep 27, 2004 8:23 am ]
Post subject: 

For Phil:

Is there anyway (because we can't delete our songs), that we can have a preview or something before we submit?

Like, is there anyway to check that the song has be uploaded properly before it hits the front page?

If not, that is cool, just a suggestion :)

Author:  Tony [ Mon Sep 27, 2004 9:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Look at this! For a lousy $5.- per month you become a paid member to a great site AND you can delete your songs if and when needed! But that's not all, if you pay quarterly, your $5.- per month reduces to $4.16 per month :D

Level: Plus
File Size: 4 mb
Archived Songs: 10
Daily Upload: 2
Cost: $5 Monthly or $12.50 Quarterly

Author:  ritisroo [ Mon Sep 27, 2004 9:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Once I find a way to be able to record myself loud....as the dumb apartment is holding me back, then I will definately become a paying member.

Right now, it is not really worth my time....as I can't do a lot of recording as the neighbours get quite mad sometimes.

So, until we finally get a house (or I can convince my BF to help me haul my desktop computer down to the tenant's lounge so I can record a whole lot of songs) I will have to live with the "freebie" account.


Author:  Gilly [ Mon Sep 27, 2004 9:43 am ]
Post subject: 

"for a lousy 5 dollars... " etc. yes, BUT I have no way of paying.. AND exactly like Ritisroo there, Living in a small one bedroom apt, with a three year old, and complaining neighbors, while my husband attends school, and neither of us WORK... it is not only hard to PAY for a membership, BUT almost impossible to record anything new, as it seems EVERYTHING is too loud:) I don't understand why non paying members aren't able to delete their songs immediatly.. wouldn't that SAVE trouble, and time, for whoever is in charge here? I have noticed a few people with errors with submitting their songs, just seems like it would make sense to have it easily fixable, by that member, regardless of paying?
Anyways, I am still waiting to have it deleted, no big hurry, the song was horrible anyways;) I agree that the site IS great, and worth paying for... I just can't at the moment...

Author:  wannabe [ Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:04 am ]
Post subject: 

It would be easier to be able to delete your own songs. I think admin might think it will be too easy to abuse the one song per day rule. You could sub a song and get the feedback then delete it and sub again. I'm not sure if this is why.

My dear husband forgets that we visited this site for a while before becoming paying members and it sometimes isn't worth the "lousy five bucks" if your not using the membership benefiits. I think it was a very good question. And I'm sure if it can be done Phill will look into it.

Anyway admin is usually quick to respond to requests to delete these for you.

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