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Can I add Mackie cfx-12 to panasonic SC_HT920 home theater
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Author:  dycity00 [ Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Can I add Mackie cfx-12 to panasonic SC_HT920 home theater

Hi, I am new to Karaoke. I want to turn my panasonic SC-HT920 home theater to a karaoke systems. I bought the Mackie cfx-12 mixer for this purpose. However, I can not hook the mixer up with my home theater. the home theater has a DVD player and is directly connected to its speaker. Can anyone help me to solve the problem?

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Honestly you don't want to use your home theatre speakers for karaoke. While they sound great for the purpose they are intended - home theatre, they are not designed for live music - which karaoke is, they will work, but they may ( and most likely will ) sound muddy & they may blow quicker. You would be better off purchasing a set of powered speakers & making a complete karaoke system. The CFX12 is a great board. If it's just for your living room, take a look at the Mackie SRM350, these are a 10" version of their SRM450 with great sound (for their size) & won't kill a budget.

Author:  Tymzdad [ Fri Sep 24, 2004 2:05 pm ]
Post subject: 


Listen to Lonman.....He knows of what he speaks! Last spring, when my son and I were starting into the KJ business, he recommended that we buy the Mackie cfx12 mixer and a pair of Mackie srm450 speakers. We did, and we have BY FAR the best sounding system we have heard anywhere. We have had so many compliments...even from other KJ's.

We are so spoiled by the sound of our system that we find it hard to get excited to go out and sing with any of the other karaoke acts around. We are glad we spent the money up front tp get the best equipment we could find. It has set us apart from the crowd.

Thanks again, Lonman!

Author:  dycity00 [ Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  thanks a lot

Thank you a lot.

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