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Compressor Question & Lex 110 in Stereo?
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Author:  wgfinley116 [ Sat Sep 18, 2004 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Compressor Question & Lex 110 in Stereo?

Well, I made one dude at Guitar Center very happy today. I still raked him over the coals though and negotiated a whole ton. Here's what I walked away with and I have one question for some help from you tech guys (Lonman are you out there?!).

I picked up the following:
    Behringer UB1622FX (Has inserts on the mono channels)
    B-52 Matrix 1000 (great sounding sub/sat package my back rejoices as it will not be stand mounting heavy 15" mains)
    Furman Line Cond/Light/Voltage Mon
    Lexicon MPX110 (after much deliberation)
    BBE 882i (had to have the wonder box)
    Behringer Ultra-Voice VX2000 MIC Pre-Amp/Expander/Gate/Comp/Vocal EQ/De-ess
    SKB 10+8 Slant Rack

The Ultra-Voice was the only source of compromise to stay in budget. My partner is providing the source half of the rig and we decided to go with the Vocopro VHF-4800 after some good reviews I've seen and user opinions I've gotten - that's the wireless package with 3 handhelds (singers) and one headset (KJ) with the handhelds being on one output and the headset on the other.

The plan was to use a Behringer T1953 Tube Pre-Amp (have heard rave reviews on it) and a dbx 266xl compressor, both two channels, hooked up like this:
4800 ---> T1953 ---> Board ----> 266xl on inserts

Alas, budget dictated otherwise and I didn't have that kind of room so I saw a Behringer VX2000 there which isn't two channel but combines the functions of the T1953 and the 266xl. It does have a separate pre-amp input as well as insert input (post pre-amp phase) to use the compressor.

So, I was planning on putting the singers through the pre-amp since there are some decent gain controls there, tube emulation, etc. Then, I would put the headset on the insert to use compression (for when KJ has to sing).

Everything I read in the manual indicates I can use both the MIC input and the inserts, just not MIC and Line at the same time. Anyone have any experience with this unit or a like unit and have suggestions? Now that I think about this some I suppose it doesn't matter if I have the headset going through it at all and can just grab a handheld to sing and use headset for MC duties only.

Oh, and on the Lex, is everyone here using it in mono mode or can you send in mono and return in stereo? Problem is I need one of my two sends for a powered monitor.



Author:  Lonman [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:24 am ]
Post subject: 

It's late, i'll answer in the morn, if someone hasn't got to it first. :wink:

Author:  Lonman [ Sun Sep 19, 2004 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Compressor Question & Lex 110 in Stereo?

wgfinley116 wrote:
    Behringer UB1622FX (Has inserts on the mono channels)
    B-52 Matrix 1000 (great sounding sub/sat package my back rejoices as it will not be stand mounting heavy 15" mains)
    Furman Line Cond/Light/Voltage Mon
    Lexicon MPX110 (after much deliberation)
    BBE 882i (had to have the wonder box)
    Behringer Ultra-Voice VX2000 MIC Pre-Amp/Expander/Gate/Comp/Vocal EQ/De-ess
    SKB 10+8 Slant Rack

Oh, and on the Lex, is everyone here using it in mono mode or can you send in mono and return in stereo? Problem is I need one of my two sends for a powered monitor.

Everything looks pretty decent for your set-up.

Can't really help you much on the Ultra-Voice. Not a real big fan of Behringer, & for everything it says it does for the cost of $130, it seems a little too good to be true.
You really won't need a pre-amp for the mics, it's not going to make that big of a difference in a live set-up & can possibly cause more feedback since you are going to have hotter mic levels. Mic pre's are more designed for studio work, not to say they CAN'T be used live, they are just very tricky if you aren't experienced, plus most of the time, you won't need them. Honestly, I would have opted for the dbx compressor over the Ultra Voice & left the pre-amp option out of the equation - at least to start, you honestly won't need it.

The Lexicon can be used as 2 independent effects or as you described a mono in & stereo out. This limits your user options, but still works as an effective & useable processor.

Author:  wgfinley116 [ Tue Sep 21, 2004 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Compressor Question & Lex 110 in Stereo?

Lonman wrote:
wgfinley116 wrote:
Can't really help you much on the Ultra-Voice. Not a real big fan of Behringer, & for everything it says it does for the cost of $130, it seems a little too good to be true.
You really won't need a pre-amp for the mics, it's not going to make that big of a difference in a live set-up & can possibly cause more feedback since you are going to have hotter mic levels. Mic pre's are more designed for studio work, not to say they CAN'T be used live, they are just very tricky if you aren't experienced, plus most of the time, you won't need them. Honestly, I would have opted for the dbx compressor over the Ultra Voice & left the pre-amp option out of the equation - at least to start, you honestly won't need it.

Well, after the first night out with the Ultravoice I think I agree with you Lonman. It's a great piece of equipment but put it in a live situation with the constant adjustment needed to keep it sounding top notch it's more hassle than it's worth. I ended up bypassing it and using the board's built in compressor and was much more satisfied.

So, I think I agree with you and the Ultravoice will go back and I'll get a straight up processor, if I can afford the 266xl then I will get that.


Author:  Lonman [ Tue Sep 21, 2004 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Compressor Question & Lex 110 in Stereo?

wgfinley116 wrote:
[I ended up bypassing it and using the board's built in compressor and was much more satisfied.

Actually the board don't have a built in compressor, it has a built in effects processor.

The dbx 266XL is only $20 more than the UltraVoice @ $150 - unless you got the UltraVoice on sale.

Author:  wgfinley116 [ Tue Sep 21, 2004 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Compressor/Lex Question

Yeah, that's what I meant, there's a compressor that is part of the built in effects processor.


Author:  Micky [ Wed Sep 22, 2004 8:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, I can tell you that you'll be pleased with the DBX 266XL, I've been using it for over a year and it's just excellent!

By the way, I'm also using the UB1622FX-Pro & the Lexicon 110 so I guess we'll a similar equipment? The mixer doesn't need an additional pre-amp even for studio, you're better off spending towards better mics.

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