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And It starts
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Author:  simpmech [ Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  And It starts

A venue we have been at quite awhile has a new entertainment manager. What does this mean for us? Apparently a battle to keep our pay and perks. New contracts for nov. and dec. were given to me the other night to sign. Upon reading these, they wanted to reduce our karaoke nights down by $50 and keep our DJ nights full price. (we host karaoke on a weeknight so this was their reasoning) and also noticed that our food and drinks had been "eliminated". I told her that I was unwilling to budge in my price, we have built a great crowd for the weekly karaoke show & the old manager showed me the books....often. I urged her to show me the books and prove to me she could no longer keep us at our current rate and I would be happy to talk new price with her (I knew she couldn't) so I "Won" that battle, at least through the end of the year when we get new contracts. They did however eliminate our meals but so graciously gave us 4 drinks in a 4 hour period. So, our $40 comp was taken away as part of our pay. NOT happy

Author:  Alan B [ Sun Nov 11, 2012 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: And It starts

You have just described one of the reasons I keep saying NOT to promote the Karaoke Cloud at any price. Bar owners/managers are a cheap bunch. It doesn't matter how good you are or how big of a crowd you bring in, if they can save a buck, they will try. In the case of the Karaoke Cloud, all they have to do is spend $99 a month and have one of their employees do the karaoke. And they can do it for 7 nights a week if they want at a lot cheaper rate then having to pay a kj for one night.

So, to all those who say if you're good it won't matter, think again. So once again, supporting the Karaoke Cloud is only helping to put yourself out of a job.

Author:  TopherM [ Mon Nov 12, 2012 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: And It starts

I've been at the same bar for 8 years, and the pay and perks keep going down.

I started off making $175 a night on both Saturday and Wednesday shows with free drinks. A bartender was busted giving away drinks to his buddies, and ruined the "shift drinks" for everyone, including me. So that was about $15.00 in perks cut. Now I spend $15.00 a night on drinks, so that's really a $30.00 swing.

Then, we got a hot shot bar manager in 2008 that decided I should make $100.00 instead of $175.00 for my Wednesday show. When I refused, they cancelled my Wednesday show. I begrundingly negotiated to come back for $125.00 for the Wednesday night show. Unfortunately, the crowd on Wednesdays then started to dwindle, so I have not had a good reason to request a raise.

So I feel you. I'm basically making $4200 a year less than I made when I started for the same work.

Author:  simpmech [ Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: And It starts

Alan B wrote:
You have just described one of the reasons I keep saying NOT to promote the Karaoke Cloud at any price. Bar owners/managers are a cheap bunch. It doesn't matter how good you are or how big of a crowd you bring in, if they can save a buck, they will try. In the case of the Karaoke Cloud, all they have to do is spend $99 a month and have one of their employees do the karaoke. And they can do it for 7 nights a week if they want at a lot cheaper rate then having to pay a kj for one night.

So, to all those who say if you're good it won't matter, think again. So once again, supporting the Karaoke Cloud is only helping to put yourself out of a job.

Alan, not quite sure how you incorporated the cloud here, but ok? lol

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