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Velvet Elvis
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Author:  Lonman [ Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Velvet Elvis

Had a guy actually requesting I get more Elvis, based on the reviews here from the Elvis/Music Maestro fans, I found a brand new Velvet Elvis 32 disc set on e-bay, and got it for $18 - should be legit it's from tsckaraoke.

Author:  MadMusicOne [ Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Velvet Elvis

Lonman wrote:
Had a guy actually requesting I get more Elvis, based on the reviews here from the Elvis/Music Maestro fans, I found a brand new Velvet Elvis 32 disc set on e-bay, and got it for $18 - should be legit it's from tsckaraoke.

...Were you biddin' on it, using buy it now or make an offer?

Author:  mightywiz [ Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Velvet Elvis

i really hate songs done in the style of elvis......... gets old after a while..... lol

only because growning up elvis all my mom listened too..

Author:  MadMusicOne [ Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Velvet Elvis

...It was fun for me way back when Karaoke first got started and then it died off. Naturally, I have a few tracks of Elvis. You know, a few PAGES! But from time to time we have an Elvis Guy come in and sing.

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Velvet Elvis

MM did a pretty good job with Elvis. I'm a bit suspicious of the price, which was WAY below bottom. Please check labels and ring codes. I've seen those sets go used for $100+.

Not saying they are bad, just saying you should double check. There is a company that's been counterfeiting MM on single color no real graphics labels for years, and they don't do it well... They specialize in sets rather than singles- V.E., Doo Wop Club, Country Club, etc...

One thing to remember with this set is that they covered the same songs in the several styles of Elvis- they are NOT DUPES.

For example, Suspicious Minds was done as a studio version AND The Aloha Concert version- WAY different tempo and key. Same with C C Rider. They also made young (higher key) and older ( lower key and different tempo) versions.

The discs are sometimes marked which are which ( i.e. Aloha Concert, Elvis At The Movies {movie tracks} etc.., but not all. You'll have to listen to the dupes in advance to know. .
You should ask your singer which version he prefers.

I sing Elvis, and to be honest, I prefer CB and Pocket for quality. However, they don't cover anywhere NEAR the repertoire that MM did, including some fairly obscure- but very good- songs.

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Nov 02, 2012 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Velvet Elvis

MadMusicOne wrote:
Lonman wrote:
Had a guy actually requesting I get more Elvis, based on the reviews here from the Elvis/Music Maestro fans, I found a brand new Velvet Elvis 32 disc set on e-bay, and got it for $18 - should be legit it's from tsckaraoke.

...Were you biddin' on it, using buy it now or make an offer?

Bid. I was seeing the BIN going anywhere from $40-75 for the set.

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Velvet Elvis

Well just got it. Looks pretty legit to me, not burns or anything and real labels, not ink jetted. But hell for $18 I was willing to chance it.

Author:  MadMusicOne [ Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Velvet Elvis

...Cool! I have right at 200 MM discs in my collection. Was actually brought up on those with the Pioneer Laser Discs, SC, DK and Pioneer cdgs. Opinions may vary but I thought MM was alright. No doubt some are off just like other manufacturers, good and bad ones. Though it was a great catch for ya!

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Nov 07, 2012 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Velvet Elvis

Well got through listening to quite a few tracks, not impressed - typical MM quality, not sure other than the fact that many of these songs aren't available through any other manu, why the higher praise from many? Oh well, it will satifsy the singer that requested more since he recommended this set. Don't think i'll ever need to purchase another Elvis track for the rest of my life.

Author:  leopard lizard [ Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Velvet Elvis

I bought a set on sale for the same reason--it was so cheap that is was worth the novelty of impressing all the Elvi that came in--not THAT cheap--$60 from Express a few years ago. But sometimes they pick another brand after they've heard them. It is just that it is the only way to get some of the songs.

But as far as never having to buy another Elvis, it is that strange thing where you get in a 50 song set of Johnny Cash and instead of being excited people start pointing out the songs that AREN'T there. I've bought 3 more Elvis songs since getting that set and had to replace "You Gave Me A Mountain" with a different brand per singer request. But it's handy to have the 2001 Intro when you get in an impersonator.

Author:  Brian A [ Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Velvet Elvis

leopard lizard wrote:
But it's handy to have the 2001 Intro when you get in an impersonator.

And also at the end of the impersonator’s performance cue him in @ track # 15. It’s an Elvis signature concert ending tune, Elvis picture flashing on the tv screen with a thunderous announcement “Elvis has left the building. Thank you & goodnight"! :)

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Velvet Elvis

Lonman wrote:
Well got through listening to quite a few tracks, not impressed - typical MM quality, not sure other than the fact that many of these songs aren't available through any other manu, why the higher praise from many? .

Again. though PS and CB did a much better job, only MM covered most of the repertoire.

Would you be kind enough to describe the labels? That price still scares me....

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Velvet Elvis

JoeChartreuse wrote:
Lonman wrote:
Well got through listening to quite a few tracks, not impressed - typical MM quality, not sure other than the fact that many of these songs aren't available through any other manu, why the higher praise from many? .

Again. though PS and CB did a much better job, only MM covered most of the repertoire.

Would you be kind enough to describe the labels? That price still scares me....

They were blue pressed labels. The price don't worry me, it was from tsckaraoke and original discs not burns. Every one i've seen that people brought in throughout the years looked the same.

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