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Buffering issue since upgrade wnd 2000 pro
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Author:  jamesdj1 [ Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Buffering issue since upgrade wnd 2000 pro

prior to upgrading to windows 2000 professional the audio would load and play rather quickly with few issues.

Since the upgrade seems audio goes into buffering and I have to play with the buttons to get it to play rather than load and play.

Audio buffers for a longer period and sometimes wont play automatically.

Any ideas or thoughts on why this is?

Thanks much,


Author:  karaokemeister [ Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

What are you using to play the audio? What type of audio are you playing?

Many applications have a setting for 'caching' of the song for online playback and even local playback. Some que the entire song before playing. During the upgrade some of these settings may have changed. Another possibility is the driver for the sound card or the amount of memory in your system. Assuming you upgraded from Windows 9x/Me, Windows 2000 requires more memory and is designed to use different drivers than 9x. You can review the drivers for your soundcard in the device manager. See if you can find current drivers and install them.

If this doesn't work I can try to think of a few other things that may affect your system, but I'd need more information about the amount of memory, cpu speed, soundcard, etc.

Author:  jamesdj1 [ Sun Sep 05, 2004 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Sound card drivers

I've made sure I have the most current version of driver for my sound card. It is the latest.

What I am using to play the audio is directly from this site when clicking to hear songs. its the sites player I am using and thats what is buffering and did not before my upgrade to wndws 2000.

On my same system using 95 it seemed to work great.

think it could be the settings you mentioned I just dont know where or how to find those ;-)

Thanks for the help and ideas.


Author:  karaokemeister [ Sun Sep 05, 2004 6:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Try upgrading IE and Media Player.

FYI - You're using Windows Media Player (as integrated into Internet Exploder, er, Internet Explorer) to play back those songs (in most cases).

I'd also double check your internet connection settings, including the drivers for your network card or modem.

Run an anti-virus w/ updated signatures as well. If you have one of the worms going around it will flood your connection with outgoing information and cause the feed to 'stutter' or shutdown and restart as it buffers in more infomation.

Run a good spyware detector, like ad-aware w/ updated libraries to help 'fix' your internet connection (especially on dial-up).

I'd tell you to try Opera but it doesn't play back SS... (I haven't sat down and figured out the MIME requirements yet). Good luck!

Author:  karyoker [ Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:55 am ]
Post subject: 

In 7.0 player tools->options->perfomance-> set network buffering to 15

under network uncheck udp This cured popping....

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