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Learning about the mixing hardware and how it works...
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Author:  karaokemeister [ Tue Aug 31, 2004 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Learning about the mixing hardware and how it works...

Ok, as you know I'm a new KJ that's working to build out a better system and trying to learn the black art of sound reinforcement (it surely seems more art than science at this point!). In my never-ending search for knowledge I've stumbled upon a series of books that have been a huge boon to my learning recently and I want to share them with those of you that are also starting out and want to learn more in this area.

It's the 'basic' series by Paul White. I picked up basic Mixers, basic Mixing Techniques, basic Live Sound, and basic Effects & Processors and have been amazed at the amount of information I was able to obtain from these small pocket books. From a guy who's used to buying books by the pound (computer related technical pubs) these were a surprise to say the least. FYI - There are additional books in the series, but I started with these four.

I also bought the Yamaha Sound Reinforcement Handbook 2nd Edition but it's much more detailed book that I will attempt to tackle in the future once I have a better grasp on both the terminology and technology.

Just so you know the basic series list for $7.95 per book. They fit easily in a pocket so you can pull them out when you're standing in line at the bank, waiting for your food order, etc. so you can sneak in a few minutes of reading almost anywhere. In just a few short days I've learned a lot more about mixers than I could have dreamed of knowing in this amount of time and the information just keeps on coming. They've been a wonderful learning tool so far, and if you're interested in learning more about this field they're a great start (IMHO).

Remember if you're highly experienced with a thorough understanding of sound technology these probably aren't for you, but I've learned much from them already and I'm sure to learn more.

Sorry to sound like a commercial, but I just wanted to share this find with others.

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