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KJ's that dominate the show
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Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  KJ's that dominate the show

Your opinions on KJ's?DJ's that think they have to "Put on a show", ie, try to put on some kind of cocktail lounge act where they sing every 4-5 songs, are out on the stage when customers are singing, trying to be comedic with lines that make absolutely no sense and generally dominating the night to the point people get up and leave half way thru the evening because thier not getting up to sing. Ever come across one of these? Your thoughts and what to do about them. There's one of these at the place I have been going to and the only way I can describe it is it's painful to watch. Hence I dont go there to sing at all. He's killing the business--the place will get a decent crowd on a Fri or Sat night early and by midnight it's cleared out and empty. Anyway your thoughts.

Author:  metalgod [ Mon Aug 23, 2004 12:41 am ]
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Those dudes and chicks dont usually last in this biz. Same with the KJ's that are constantly pushing contests and special games to play. These shows REEK of desperation. In the end it all comes down to sound quality , music and fairness. A big plus is having a kick (@$%&#!) kj that everybody loves and worships. That would be ME! Ha Ha have a good night......peace love karaoke..

Author:  karaokemeister [ Mon Aug 23, 2004 12:59 am ]
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I talk between singers to keep the energy high when I have a crowd, but it's alway short and included with my calling the next singer. It's usually comments like "Great pipes!", "I love it when someone takes a song and makes it their own!" and similar comments. Short one liners to keep them pumped about singing (even if they're horribly off key to the point of it being painful). I also remind the people what to do (fill out slip, etc) so I can keep the rotation filled with people (people come in from 10pm until 2am or so at the larger venue where I KJ). I sing once per rotation and sometimes drop from the rotation or call someone else to sing with me so I don't appear to be 'hogging' the show. It's all about respect for your audience who are paying for you to be there one way or another.

If the club owner/manager doesn't have a long term contract with the "performer" (and it's not nepetism at it's finest, er, worst) I'd talk with them about the show and ask if they've been to any of the 'competion'. One night of watching a 'sucessful' show they're likely to be shopping elsewhere for a new KJ (unless they really want people to leave at midnight!). :twisted:

Author:  tigger [ Mon Aug 23, 2004 8:20 am ]
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I do believe the above KJ's RRRRROOOOOCK! Now, did you know that there are some KJ's out there who, since it is "their show" after all, don't give a rat's a$$ what their singers think about how they run things? Imagine that. Some KJ's even express contempt for their clientele's desires and whims. I'm hoping they constitute the minority.

Author:  ritisroo [ Mon Aug 23, 2004 8:33 am ]
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Some KJ's just have no clue!

I mean, I totally understand the KJ singing the first song in the rotation, you know to get the mics checked and stuff, and then always singing the first song in the rotation so that you know when the rotation starts. Now, when the rotation gets like 20 people the KJ should just back off and not sing. But to each his own :)

I remember a show I went to...it was supposed to start at 9:00. I like to get to shows early so I can be first or second in the rotation so that when You want to go home at the end of the night, you don't have to wait to be the last singer.

Well, the KJ did not arrive at the show till about 9:10. He started setting up his equipment then, and was having problems. He got everything set up at 9:30 and then played some regular music till about 9:40. Finally he got the show started, but being late and all, he thought it was a good idea to start off the show by singing two songs.........I was pissed at this time as he was wasting my time!

I ended up singing two songs that night, and he decided which I should sing (usually, the way you hand the slips up, is the order you want to sing your songs). So, that got my goat, and I left.

That is my other beef............

When a show is supposed to start at 9:00, and there is only one singer.....should the show start, or should the KJ wait (I have had to wait up to an hour before the show started...which really drives me nuts as I am not there to sit, I am there to sing!)???

I mean, ususally if there is only one or two singers, the bar is empty anyway. I can sing thousands of songs, and I really don't mind getting to sing every second or third song. That is what I am there for, to sing. I mean it is not very often that you get to go to karaoke when no one is there and the rotations are small.....

If I was a KJ, as long as there was one slip up, the show should start as you do have a singer.....and when there are no slips, you take a break, play regular music until you get another slip.....

What do you other KJ's think? Should I be mad, or is that the way it works??

Author:  knightshow [ Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:00 am ]
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it's very hard for a kj to have ONE singer, ritz!

Don't get me wrong, If you showed up at my gig, and I had nobody singing, and you put in a slip, I'd queue you right up. BUT I'd put in another mix music song after you, then maybe sing one myself and then you. It wouldn't be a Ritz show! LOL!

Kurt, what place are you talkin' about? There are those type of KJS, but we normally try to spread the word around here in Portland.

To be honest, I WISH Positively Entertainment had a wall of shame like that!

Author:  ritisroo [ Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:05 am ]
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knightshow wrote:

Don't get me wrong, If you showed up at my gig, and I had nobody singing, and you put in a slip, I'd queue you right up. BUT I'd put in another mix music song after you, then maybe sing one myself and then you. It wouldn't be a Ritz show! LOL!

Hey, I could more than live with that :) It is just nice to know that there are considerate KJ's around.....

I have just been at shows where there are three or even four singers up, and they still won't start, cause they are waiting for more! GRR!

But you way works fine :)

and what is wrong with the Ritis Show LOL! Thanks :)

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:25 am ]
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I don't think it is the KJ's place to dominate a show, I mean if there are singers waiting to sing ..Thats the priority. I don't have a problem with KJ's trying to entertain the crowd a little....JUST A LITTLE :shock: .

There is a fine line between being a good KJ HOST and going a little OVERBOARD.

KJ's should always start the show with the first song so they can tweak the mix and make sure every thing is working properly , Starting the rotation isn't a bad idea either if the rotation isn't that big. And the show must start on time ..don't get me wrong I don't always have my first singer singing by 9:00pm ..but there is music playing at 9:00 and the first singer (even if its the only singer ) is singing by 9:15 at the latest .

Author:  Re Invention [ Mon Aug 23, 2004 12:23 pm ]
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If the KJ has a tip jar out I'd probably write a little note to him and drop it in when he wasn't looking. He probably thinks that people love his act and it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for him to find out otherwise.

Author:  animalien [ Mon Aug 23, 2004 1:57 pm ]
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If I have one singer at the start of the show, I may still wait 10-15 minutes. If that one singer has 10 songs in already or will sing more than one song, I will start the show on time.

After all, if they only end up singing one song, you can't stop the show.

That KJ you talked about is definitely not playing for the singers. I hate KJ's that show up late and think they can set up in 5 minutes. If you start at 9, then be there at 8. After all, it's your job.

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