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Morning Vocal Warm Ups. What do you do?
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Author:  ritisroo [ Fri Aug 20, 2004 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Morning Vocal Warm Ups. What do you do?


I about a month, I am going to be attempting to sing Broken Wing in a country contest.........but the bad part is that the competition is in the morning, probably will be singing at around 11:00 and will be up at around 7:00.

What suggestions does everyone have for me so that I can have a well warmed up voice for the competition? I know that it is an extrememly hard song, and that if you don't hit all the notes and sound flat that it can definately be a very bad thing!

And, if you are thinking, why would she be so crazy to sing that song that early in the morning? Well, my answer is this: You have to give it all, or else you won't win, and if it turns out bad, at least I can say I tried, and then give it another go next year :)

Anywho, thanks for anyone who can leave some suggestions. I greatly appreciate it :)


Author:  bigdaddygerald1 [ Fri Aug 20, 2004 9:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

do you hummm?...i find that if i gargle with salt water and clean the pipes good and humm bars to warm up my cords it work pretty good.....if your not a hummer try it ...it works

Author:  karaokemeister [ Fri Aug 20, 2004 11:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

I used to never warm up. I'd drink beer and talk before I got up to sing. WRONG.

Now that I need to be able to sing a couple songs and my livelihood depends on it (ok, just my CD+G habit) I started reading up on proper warmup, and things to do so I could sing. I can't find the web site I was on before but I did find this web site that has some tips. Email me for the site.

BTW, drink lots of water on the days leading up to the event to remain fully hydrated. It makes all the different in the world to me. Other tips are on that web site (it was the first one that showed up under a Google search). I'll see if I can find the link to the page I was reading before on warming up, etc. and post it later.

Author:  Micky [ Thu Aug 26, 2004 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  Hot Water

One more trick and believe me it works; Drink hot water before singing not cold and you'll be surprised what you can do with your voice!

Author:  ritisroo [ Thu Aug 26, 2004 11:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks all for your help!

I will definately take all your advice :)
I appreciate you taking all the time to help :)

Author:  karyoker [ Thu Aug 26, 2004 11:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Sing the night before Dont drink more than 4 rum-n-cokes Get a good night sleep and what ever you do dont eat a mexican omelette for breakfast...Do the warm water bit & when you hit the flyyyyyy part remember us all........

Author:  ritisroo [ Thu Aug 26, 2004 11:23 am ]
Post subject: 


I will definately be practicing the night before :) Won't strain too much though :)

Then, in the morning, I am going to practice in the Mall (where the competition is being held). I am going to look kinda crazy though singing in the halls of the Mall LOL!

It is all good though! Maybe some people will throw me money and I can get a real good deal out of it!

I will definately be thinking of you all :)

Thanks for your help :)

Author:  Snoopy [ Thu Aug 26, 2004 3:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

I fully agree with the "drink lots of water" bit, just don't stray too far from the bathroom! At karaoke bars, I warm up by singing along (not too loudly) from the audience. For contests, I'll go through a few scales and arpeggios (ma, ma, ma etc) wherever I can find some privacy. Lip bubbles are useful too. Don't forget that it's just as important to "warm down" after a performance by doing a few scales or singing to yourself, gradually reducing intensity. Whenever I forget to "warm down", I usually have a raspy throat next morning.

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