Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

SC8125 Hat Trick...
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Author:  chrisavis [ Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  SC8125 Hat Trick...

Last night at my show, I was talking to a former KJ and buddy of mine about (shocker!)....karaoke. The topic of SC8125 came up. I mentioned that I had copy signed by Kurt Slep. He called BS on me. When I told him I had a sealed copy he called BS on me again. When I told him I had a third copy, he almost punched me. When I told him had 4 copies until two weeks ago when I gave one to another KJ and personal friend of mine as a gift, he did punch me. So I told him to come over to the forums to see for himself (and check the forums out...he is a hoot so I really hope he joins up).

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Author:  Brian A [ Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SC8125 Hat Trick...

can you say photoshopped?

Just kidding, chris. Are you selling? Tracks 4, 5, 8 & 9 of my 8125 unplayable due to pinholes. Actually, I have lots of sc discs that will no longer play - pinholes galore, pressed on low quality cds. Some were replaced by sc for the price of shipping ($7), others isoluck because they're no longer in circulation.

Author:  chrisavis [ Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SC8125 Hat Trick...

Sorry Brian....keeping these three. I am trying to get three steady rigs in production and want to have the tracks with all three. I have been very fortunate to have come across 3 - SC8125's in bulk buys though, so I know they are out there still. In all cases I found them in collections from folks who had been around for a while. Just have to wear a poker face when you meet with a seller, flip through their discs, and see it.

I have the final 200 discs of a ~400 disc buy coming in by end of week. The bulk of the remaining 200 is supposed to be Sound Choice but I don't know for sure. I took a chance on this buy and bought it based on one picture of one case because of the great price. The intention is to drop all all of it into a lower end rig.

Of the 206 received so far the count is

33 - StarDisc
7 - Pop Hits Today
67 - Pop Hits Monthly (1997-2002)
38 - Music Maestro
6 - NorthStar
34 - Pioneer (CDG)
5 - Druid
10 - Sound Choice (2000 Series)
6 - Misc


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