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Going from DJ to KJ
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Author:  kasper777 [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 3:09 am ]
Post subject:  Going from DJ to KJ

I am currently djing and considering going over to KJing. I have an Anmerican DJ 500 cd player with a digital ouput on the back. Do I need to buy a new dual cd player or is there a converter for the digital output on the back of my dj cd player. I would hate to spend money on buying another cd just for karaoke. Any and all help is appreciated.


Author:  jamkaraoke [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 9:13 am ]
Post subject: 

What I think you would need to read CDG's is a decoder
VOCOPRO makes one and so does a company LEADER cost around
$150-$200. YOu can probably pick up a single tray CDG player for about the same money ..maybe a few $$ more. depends on your set up and rig configuration ...Good luck !

Author:  marty3 [ Wed Aug 18, 2004 9:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would recommend adding a CDG player (I always take mine along as a 3rd player for DJ work anyway). You also should be prepared to run at least 2, preferrably 3 mics with some effects capability if you are serious about it. Most of the DJ rigs I come across are pretty inadequate for karaoke. If it's an "add-on" type of option to your DJ work, you might get by okay though with the DJ mixer/et al.

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