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I think this is a nice score....
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Author:  chrisavis [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  I think this is a nice score....

Today I picked up pristine binders of Sound Choice Party Pak 1 and Party Pak 2 colpete with binders, all discs, and the laminated song list inserts. $50 for the set.

PPMe.jpg [ 135.73 KiB | Viewed 11987 times ]

PP1.jpg [ 109.02 KiB | Viewed 11987 times ]

PP2.jpg [ 112.81 KiB | Viewed 11987 times ]

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

Great buy! You probably already have over 90% of what is on them though.

Author:  kjathena [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

Good score.....I agree at that price :D


Author:  chrisavis [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

@Lonman - True enough, but also consider that I will be implementing multiple rigs. Duplication is not too much of a concern for me until I see 4 or more of a disc/track.

I also saw this as a collectable in this case.


Author:  Kona D [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

why are you buying up obsolete, dead media? :mrgreen:

Author:  chrisavis [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

Touche' :)


Author:  Kona D [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

Good find. i would've bought it.

I recently purchased 2 CB disc grab bags on Ebay and they turned out to be really good deal. 10 new CB discs for $15. Filled in a bunch of gaps in my library and dupes make good prizes. How can you go wrong for $1.5 a disc?

Author:  simpmech [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

I totally spy your WoW Disc 8)

Author:  chrisavis [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

simpmech wrote:
I totally spy your WoW Disc 8)

Mouse Pad from my Cataclysm Collector's Edition :)

Cata2.jpg [ 150.65 KiB | Viewed 11873 times ]

Cata1.jpg [ 131.92 KiB | Viewed 11873 times ]


Author:  MadMusicOne [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

Chris....Dude, you're obsessed with buying up everything. Crap! Back away from the computer and Ebay. Give the other KJ's a chance.

....Did you buy any of those Dangerous CDG's and or 100 Hits Presents?

Author:  chrisavis [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

I did buy the Dangerous Pack, but I have not read the feedback on the 100 Hits yet.


Author:  MadMusicOne [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

chrisavis wrote:
I did buy the Dangerous Pack, but I have not read the feedback on the 100 Hits yet.


....The graphics were good. Did you listen to the 30 second music samples at Amazon? I think you have most, if not all, of those tracks covered unless you're building another rig?

Author:  chrisavis [ Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

Someone else mentioned a slight nostalgia factor. There are a few tracks that I sang long ago that i first did on Dangerous. The dripping blood logo conjures up memories....


Author:  karaokegod73 [ Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

I got party pak 1 and 2 from a friend who doesn't do karaoke anymore. They are in decent shape but for some reason PP1 is being very difficult to rip. PP2 went very smoothly.

I had a top tunes disk set (Neil Diamond) both disks were taking forever in this laptop with Power Karaoke ripper and they went quickly on my older laptop with Tricerasoft's ripper. Most do fine in this newer laptop so don't know what the deal is, these disks were on pace for taking two hours each!

Author:  Bazza [ Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

Kona D wrote:
why are you buying up obsolete, dead media? :mrgreen:

You can still buy Edison Wax Cylinders too. Doesn't mean it isn't a dead technology.

Here is one for $7.98! A steal! Buy it and shift the media! :wink:

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Edison-Amberol- ... 5649f2d028

Author:  chrisavis [ Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

That's it.....

I am converting to OWCB (Original Wax Cylinder Based Karaoke) with printed lyric sheets. I believe most if not all of that music is in the public domain now.


Author:  c. staley [ Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

chrisavis wrote:
That's it.....

I am converting to OWCB (Original Wax Cylinder Based Karaoke) with printed lyric sheets. I believe most if not all of that music is in the public domain now.


Please do. I'm very interested in the bass response you receive from a wax cylinder.

my understanding is that you own one library is this correct? I understand is a very large library – but it is still one library right?

If so, then based on your spending habits for karaoke discs, and if you calculate your jobs at $150 a night, how many karaoke nights will it take for you simply to recoup what you have already spent?

You don't have to try to amortize it over a number of years, you don't have to do include cost to produce your show which is gasoline, lighting systems, cables, microphones or anything like that. Simply based on what you have purchased in discs, how many karaoke nights at $150 a night will it take simply to equal what you have already spent?

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

chrisavis wrote:
That's it.....

I am converting to OWCB (Original Wax Cylinder Based Karaoke) with printed lyric sheets. I believe most if not all of that music is in the public domain now.


STILL too new for me. I'm going to OMBB- Original Music Box Based karaoke. Those big metal discs will last til the end of the century! BWAHAHAHAHAH!! :mrgreen:

Author:  chrisavis [ Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

c. staley wrote:
chrisavis wrote:
That's it.....

I am converting to OWCB (Original Wax Cylinder Based Karaoke) with printed lyric sheets. I believe most if not all of that music is in the public domain now.


Please do. I'm very interested in the bass response you receive from a wax cylinder.

my understanding is that you own one library is this correct? I understand is a very large library – but it is still one library right?

If so, then based on your spending habits for karaoke discs, and if you calculate your jobs at $150 a night, how many karaoke nights will it take for you simply to recoup what you have already spent?

You don't have to try to amortize it over a number of years, you don't have to do include cost to produce your show which is gasoline, lighting systems, cables, microphones or anything like that. Simply based on what you have purchased in discs, how many karaoke nights at $150 a night will it take simply to equal what you have already spent?

That is somewhat of a probing question into my personal and business finances. I also sense.....a trap. Let's see if I can avoid the poison darts.....

First, I am fortunate that if someone called me tomorrow and said "I have 10 clubs that want karaoke 7 nights a week, can you do that?" that my reply would be "I need a week or two to acquire the hardware and wait for the retail discs to ship". I could make that happen, but I don't want to grow like that.

Second, I actually have amassed discs for multiple libraries for multiple rigs. I have the hardware and discs to run 3 full rigs at this point. I could go the full retail route on a moment's notice if the opportunity warranted it. But, I love haggling with people on prices. There is something wholly satisfying about negotiating back and forth on a bunch of silly discs, settling on a price, and then waiting for the package to arrive to see what I end up with. There are several other on these very forums that I know understand exactly what I am talking about.

Third, I am expanding and I have some immediate opportunities for additional gigs that I am trying to find hosts for. I put an ad on Craigslist this morning and have already had 7 replies. All but 1 are promising and 3 of them are VERY promising candidates. I am meeting one of them tonight at my show and another tomorrow night.

Finally, I know it is going to take me a while to ultimately turn a profit in this business. I expect it to take me well over a year, maybe even 2-3 years to get my investment back and start turning a profit. It may take me 5 years or more of growth and expansion to feel comfortable enough to quit my day job. I am not in a hurry. I enjoy my day job and I have opportunities there as well that could satisfy me for many, many more years.

What I am doing is not unlike any business venture. Very few are profitable out of the gate. There are startups costs. I have a nice little spreadhseet with a chart that shows my expenses and my income. Admittedly the gap between them has grown considerably lately, but I planned for that.

Oh, I also have a couple of private parties booked, and someone called me about a wedding this morning as well. I also hooked up with a wedding planner recently and we are putting together some marketing. If you have not been to my web site recently, you will see that it has a new template being applied to it and much work to be done.

Some people spend money on drugs for a rush. I spend mine on karaoke.


Author:  c. staley [ Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I think this is a nice score....

With all due respect,

Then what you are basically saying is you have a "money pit of a hobby" because you can't recoup your investment in any equitable time period. If you had to survive off your karaoke earnings, that would only delay the time required to payback and it would be worse.

Having enough discs for 3 systems means nothing more than more debt if there aren't 3 systems that are working to offset the debt.

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