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Screamers Distorting CDG Graphics
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Author:  robdogkaraoke [ Wed Aug 04, 2004 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Screamers Distorting CDG Graphics

Hiya Folks,

I got a problem with loud singers or sceamers. Whenever someone gets overly loud my graphics distort or the CD skips. I'm using a 300 disk carousel and a leeder decoder. anyone ever have this problem before?

Author:  Tony [ Wed Aug 04, 2004 1:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dpending on the system YES! some CD players are very prone to "rattles" e.g. booming soun waves or other shocks.
Make sure you're system is not in the path of the audio.
Souns silly, but it's true

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Aug 04, 2004 1:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

First off if the jukebox is mobile (hopping from club to club), this could be caused from vibrations from the screamers & the more it gets moved, the worse it could eventually get. Unfortuneately these aren't the most reliable systems for mobile work - mainly they get out of alignment or parts get loose.

Another scenerio is where is the player in relation to the singers? Or the speakers? Using a sub?
Volume may be too loud or does it do it at low volumes as well? Loose video connection somewhere?
This is a new problem on me, but these are what I would check first.

Author:  KJ Denndogg [ Thu Aug 05, 2004 7:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

This MAY or MAY NOT help , but I had this problem yesterday while recording over my system at home every time I had to belt out a couple words the graphics would somewhat scramble...turns out the rca in to the tv monitor was a little loose. :oops:

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