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Author:  simpmech [ Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  contest

ok, here we go, the dreaded karaoke contest. we have been asked by our venue to host this. it will be over the course of 1 month and we are still working out the details. one way of voting has been suggested that with each drink you buy, you get a voter ticket. this way, the bar is making money, and the singers are picked by the audience. perhaps combine this with some guest judges?
anyway, definitely needing some help here.

Author:  ripman8 [ Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: contest

simpmech wrote:
ok, here we go, the dreaded karaoke contest. we have been asked by our venue to host this. it will be over the course of 1 month and we are still working out the details. one way of voting has been suggested that with each drink you buy, you get a voter ticket. this way, the bar is making money, and the singers are picked by the audience. perhaps combine this with some guest judges?
anyway, definitely needing some help here.

I don't want to borrow this thread so I will start a new one.

Author:  hiteck [ Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: contest

simpmech wrote:
with each drink you buy, you get a voter ticket. this way, the bar is making money, and the singers are picked by the audience.

That would definietly make the results based on popularity. If I bring in 10 heavy drinkin' friends with me whether I'm any good or not and I'll get quite a few votes.

Personally I'd take the crowd out of it and not use yourself or venue staff as judges. Using impartial judges would help reduce the negatives sometimes associated with contests.

There's always the one's who are upset they didn't win because the winner had more friends, or they're a regular at that bar, etc....

Author:  Alex [ Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: contest

I agree with hiteck. While the idea behind yours is to make money (and that's perfectly fine) you might end up PO your regulars and ruin the show in the long run. The way my Friday show approaches the contest I do there every three months is:

1. They have at least three independent and unbiased judges for the finals.
2. They base 70% of the judging on your voice, 20% on the performance and 10% on Audience response
3. I completely stay out of the judging at the finals.

So the contestants still try to bring as many people as they possibly can with them for the finals, but pretty much the best voice wins in the end. This is as fair as you can do it considering the venue wanting to make money and you wanting the contest to be as fair as possible.

In the end you still get sore losers complaining and whining. But at least you can say "Look, we had three judges. They judged and that's that. I had nothing to do with it."

Author:  simpmech [ Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: contest

Good points, and I for sure will consider. Just trying to make it fair/profitable etc. I personally hate these contest lol

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: contest

simpmech wrote:
Good points, and I for sure will consider. Just trying to make it fair/profitable etc. I personally hate these contest lol

I guess if you're stuck, maybe you can find some local radio celebrities or politicians to judge. Almost anyone else will definitely be considered biased.

Also, post the judging criteria publicly. Example: Up to 10 points for talent, the same for perfomance (stage presence), and maybe 5 for crowd reaction. Something like that. This will give you an out when whoever considers themselves the best singer doesn't win- it provides other reasons. It's also a more fair way to judge.

I wish you luck, but in actuality, I tell all venues at hire that I won't host contests. Please note my sig- it's on my cards and ads as well....

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: contest

JoeChartreuse wrote:
simpmech wrote:
Good points, and I for sure will consider. Just trying to make it fair/profitable etc. I personally hate these contest lol

I guess if you're stuck, maybe you can find some local radio celebrities or politicians to judge.
I only get these people if it's a large money/prize contest. Not for some small time thing.
The audience ticket vote doesn't work. Like stated, it turns out to be whoever brought in the most people & if you happen to have a group that outnumbers the rest of the patrons, their contestant is a sure thing no matter how good/bad they were.
You do need judges of some sort - especially if it's going to have multiple tiers qualifying, semi-finals, finals, however you do NOT want judges that are patrons of the bar so they cannot be biased of regulars - this is where many people get bitter of contests because they pick judges that always sit in the bar. Outside judges, maybe pick someone in the bar for a tie breaker but nothing more.

Author:  Marble [ Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: contest

I've managed to get round contests by having another host do them. I've run the entry nights, but when it comes to the actual contest, semi's and finals, I sit out in the audience and leave before the results where possible.

Every singer at my show, brings something wonderful: to judge them over a five minute performance takes away from all the great things they can do in an evening and puts friends up against each other. Some can separate a competition from an average karaoke night, but most see them as one in the same and one has prize money and a winner.

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