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For those of you that use props. . .
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Author:  Marble [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  For those of you that use props. . .

Once again I'm off on the search for new ideas, and I'm looking for non-intrusive comical methods to engage with the singer on stage, but also make the night more entertaining for the listeners.

My main concern is "stealing" the limelight from them, hence why my aim is to get them to play along. 85% of my regular crew are static on stage and I know a lot would like the excuse to move about but aren't able to break out from their confort zone without a bit of promting.

Ideally I want lyric based comedy, plays on words etc. similar to what Lonman suggested in another thread "One dumb example is the song Gold Dust Woman, one line is "Rulers Make Bad Lovers", in which before that line comes up, I will hand the singer an actual ruler (measuring stick) to hold. Sometimes they don't even realize the innuendo until they get to the actual line. Dumb stuff like that."

But also wondering how other props are used. A while back gave everyone kazoo's for Bakers street which worked brilliantly, except everyone wanted to play the sax (on the kazoo) and no one wanted to sing the song :lol:

Author:  johnreynolds [ Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For those of you that use props. . .

I use a real guitar for most rock songs (as a prop but don't hook it into the system). It's set up next to the singer screen.

For country songs, we have an inflatable horse (swimming pool ring walmart $3) that goes around their waist and a cheap cowboy hat and dark sunglasses.

Elvis sunglasses with attached lambchops (spencers $9) for all Elvi songs. Silk scarf for slow songs.

Used to use a HUGE AFRO for old skool R&b but got rid off ALL wigs for fear of head lice and general hygeine fears.

We spray the cowboy hat with lysol every night...just in case. :)

With our props, although limited, the singers DEFINATELY express themselves MORE and people tend to take cell phone pics or vids and post to FB or Youtube during the show.

Author:  KODAA Enterprise [ Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: For those of you that use props. . .

Around Christmas time, I wear different hats. It doesn't disturb the singers and the crowd loves it. About every half hour I switch hats.

IMG_0116.JPG [ 204.29 KiB | Viewed 13090 times ]

Author:  c. staley [ Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: For those of you that use props. . .

We used to use props.... for the hassle of hauling them around, we've stopped. But when we did, they were primarily props for the singer(s) to use, (sunglasses, hats, feather boas etc.) not really for the host. Our job has always been to make the singer the focal point and not to detract from that in the least. Even inadvertently.

Author:  leopard lizard [ Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: For those of you that use props. . .

Our props just evolved. You see something at the Dollar Store or on sale at a costume or joke store and think, "That could be used for...." Our songs are different than what people prefer over there but we have the obligatory devil mask and fiddle of gold (inflatable uke spray painted) for "Devil Went Down to Georgia" and a rubber chicken with the mic jammed down it's throat for "Chicken Fried." Most of the hats and wigs get used by the hosts for the reasons stated by JR but sometimes singers request to use them.

We have a Hollywood clapboard for "Take Two" if we put up the wrong song.

Alot of times we don't use the props at all but sometimes people just go wild and start grabbing things. We wouldn't use them on people the first time there but more on regulars that seemed like they would play along. Alot of times it is when people sing the same song each week and you start adding little things to make it different.

We have had a few pitfalls. Once a singer shoved the boyfriend off the stage for wearing the Obama mask during "Dear Mr. President." Another time we had in someone with that fear of clowns which included masks and the screaming went on for quite some time. Still another is so afraid of snakes that we can't bring out the toy plush stuffed one for snake dances when they attend. But in general the props are more for spontaneous attempts to play the rock star or country thing up to the point of satire and they have made for some hilarious moments.

Our singers all have different styles. Some want to be the sole focal point and others want the host to play along with them. We don't do things all just one way all of the time.

Author:  earthling12357 [ Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For those of you that use props. . .

My favorite prop is a microphone stand. Give the singer something to put their other hand on and they won't be as self-conscience and will move around a little more. I don't believe KJs should inject themselves into a singer's performance unless it has been worked out ahead of time or encouraged by the singer.

I've had singers bring in their own props many times. Once a guy brought it a giant card board cut-out he had made to make it look like he was driving a car while singing.

Author:  Marble [ Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: For those of you that use props. . .

No intention to jump in and upstage the singer, more work along side them. We already have a microphone stand, radio mic's and decent lead mics, I'm wearing a xmas hat (on the christmas songs only), and I've brought some toy candles for the slow songs. The crowd I'd be able to do more of this with are long term regulars, and quite often we engage via basic dance moves (leg kicks, alternate bobbing up and down). One has a very dry sense of humour, which plays on lyrics and song titles (on the last quiet night he sang "I don't wanna talk about it", "The show must go on", "silence is golden" and asked me to sing "it's oh so quiet"), and the other customers are in giggles over it. He's also noticed "A little help from my friends" appear on the screen and managed to get every customer to leave their seats and head for the door by the time the singer hit the line "stand up and walk out on me".

On the odd occasion they will break out of the stereotypical british stoic attitude, but inflatables, boas etc would be too much for their serious nature (halloween, christmas and new year would be the exception). We're quite happy playing air fiddles for "Devil went down to georgia", but it would be an unusual day if a singer volunteered to 'play the fool' and pick up a guitar - they probably would if I joined them as well, but even then they wouldn't do it all the time.

ETA: I've noticed in more recent years, that I've created a night where I work behind the scenes making everything run smoothly, to the point that someone who doesn't engage with me or I don't engage with, to sing or hand in a slip, or simply to say hello, could conclude I could be replaced by a machine. In the early days when I had no singers at the start, I used to do small skits etc and some of my longer term regulars remember it and miss it - but now from the moment I start people are ready to go so I looking for a way to recreate connections between people (singers and non singers) rather than upstage singers.

Author:  Luv2sing.com [ Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: For those of you that use props. . .

I have noticed a lot more people using the blow up guitars like the ones from the fairs as props. I have 2 electric guitars and 1 electric bass I made out of plywood and 2x4s. I had the plan to make them for props at karaoke by not really worrying about the detail, paint and imperfections, but ended up putting way to much work into them. I took them to one show and after seeing a guy hit it on the wall decided they would be better suited on my sons wall as decoration. One day I will make some crappy ones for work. One day.... lol

Author:  Skid Rowe [ Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: For those of you that use props. . .

In the past I've used a full stage of real instruments in my shows: Two electric guitars, a bass, two keyboards, a full set of drums (with silencers), two saxes, and the golden fiddle. These were all in a permanent setup at the club. Over time the club changed hands, and eventually closed. It was fun (and unique) while it lasted. Now I've scaled it down to one or two guitars.

Author:  jdmeister [ Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: For those of you that use props. . .

I have two of the "Blow Up" guitars, and they are quite popular..

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For those of you that use props. . .

I know a host that has a full sized plastic car door on a stand and a cutaway plastic shower stall to make new singers feel at home.. :lol: I think they're great, but wouldn't want to haul them...

I rarely use props anymore, but when I did they were for the singers- AND audience participation- such as inflateable mics and musical instruments, boas, Elvis glasses, etc. None for host use. I do have a karaoke duck that sits atop my rack, but he's been there since I started, and is more of a good luck charm.

Now I just make sure to take the time to meet and talk to newbies and get a sense of their personalities, then I adjust any comedic mic work accordingly.

One thing that I did do in the beginning that was very successful was a Hall Of Fame.

If the venue allowed it, I left a small 2x3 bulletin board there. I would take pictures at every show and post them on the board until the next show, when I would change them out. The singers were welcome to take their pictures home after that. They friggin' LOVED it! This does get a little time consuming and pricey though, so I pretty much used it for building new shows to solidarity, then dispensed with it.

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For those of you that use props. . .

We used to have a shower curtain that was capable of wrapping around the stage (it was a smaller 3'x3' stage back when I started there in 92). Even had a shower nozzle mounted to the wall behind them with mock taps under it. It only lasted a few months, but was interesting to see a handful of people actually pulling the curtain around them to sing. I always wanted to get an empty car front end to make the stage out of. Never could afford that project.

Author:  jclaydon [ Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For those of you that use props. . .

when i lived in vancouver, canada I used to have a friend who hosted that would occasionally bring in a go-go style steel cage.

I have danced in it quite a few times, quite a show enhancer but completely unreasonable for most people money wise..

Author:  PyleDriver [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: For those of you that use props. . .

Hum, I thought we were the only one's to have a shower curtain idea. Ours is smaller and portable. It wraps around the front of the monitor and singer with the showerhead and silver tinsel coming from it. We also have a steering wheel prop on a stand. We sit them in a chair and put it in front of them. When I mingle asking if they sing, I hit them with the line, "Well do you sing in the shower, how about the car"... Alot of fun, It's a great hook for sucking in nubies.


Author:  kjathena [ Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: For those of you that use props. . .

we rotate in and out the shower ( a large hulahoop type thing with shoulder straps curtains al the way around and a shower head) sometimes still pull out the plywood car for those who only sing in the car ect. We used to carry tambourines maracas clappers ect until theft got too costly. Love the inflatables and light up toys. We have a few singers that carry costumes, props ect to every show and change between songs LOL

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