Hi, I'm brand new to the forum and have a few questions about the Karaoke business. My son (20 years old) wants to start a Karaoke business on the weekends, Since I know nothing about the hardware and software required for such a venture I am asking if you all might help supply some information that I need. I have told my son I will buy the equipment he needs to start up his business but he will have to purchase his songlist or any special software required. He wants to put his songlist on a notebook computer and operate it to play the songs back. I realize that he also needs speakers, preamp, amp, a/v monitor to view the words, microphones, etc.
My questions are:
1. What speed and size notebook computer is needed to do this.We were thinking about buying a Dell. Please tell me any specifications required for this notebook computer.
2. Are the songs (and words) in the MP3 format or a different format? How are the songs and text loaded into the computer, downloaded, copied from disk. Are the karaoke discs just regular compact disk?
3. What special software , if any, is needed to operate the notebook?
4.Does he require any type of software or CD license in order to do Karaoke.
5. Are there any companies that will configure all this hardware and software for us (turnkey)? OR is this easy enough we couild do it ourselves???
These are my basic quetions. Please feel free to add any suggestions, alternatives (but I want to use a notebook for sure), websites that would explain all this, etc, etc., etc...
Thanks alot for your help!!!!
Lisa "the newbie"