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Karaoke bingo
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Author:  Big Mike [ Sun Jul 11, 2004 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Karaoke bingo

I've had a request to play this at a show, anyone tell me how it works?

Author:  knightshow [ Mon Jul 12, 2004 9:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Mike, my partner has that program... I'll get a copy and send it to you.

Basically, you order a set of the bingo pre-printed cards from a manufacturer that specializes in that stuff... I'll see if I can find it again. I had talked about doing this once upon a while ago... with my new gig and my preparation for it, I think it's a terrific time to let this resurface. THANKS for bringing it up. Seriously!!

You can charge $1.00 for each bingo card you hand out, or give them out as incentives for the gig... you'll have to check with your local gambling laws to see if you can do this or not. In the case where you can't, you can not charge the money, but you can give away whatever you want, for it's not gambling at that point. Raffles are done the same way!

the cdg is merely the letter/number that flashes on the tv screen, like the karaoke builder splash screens that I make and we discussed a couple times before. The cdg itself is done in a random session, but of course after the first time letting it play from one to whatever the last number, you'ld have to do it randomly. You set your player to do a random selection after each song, or a set. The way you run it is quite up to you.
You announce it over the mic in case people aren't glued to your TV.

If you're cdg doesn't have a random feature, you'll have to do that yourself... which can be a pain in the rear. You'll also have to keep in mind which ones you've selected.

The first person to reach a BINGO wins whatever it is that you're giving away.

The neat thing is after that first winner, you'll have a series of winners after that... OR you can start all over again once you have a winner. I personally prefer to let people keep their cards... that way everyone has a chance to be a winner. I've discussed this in the past with a bar, and they would give a free drink to a successful winner.

Forgot to say, if you have a means of getting the tracks from the cdg, it would be possible to make many cdgs with differring order of the original... that way you COULD let it play straight through.
<end edit>


Author:  Lonman [ Mon Jul 12, 2004 10:07 am ]
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This program you can design your own cards & call sheets. It's free to try for 30 days, then costs something like $25 for licensed use. You can use either numbers or words - which is what we used to use. We would make it music themed, TV commercials, cartoons, or themes for the bar - special events, bartenders, waitresses, etc. Using different 5 letter words for the top. For the music themed, we would use MUSIC in place of BINGO, TVADS, LAUGH, TBIRD (the nick name of the bar), personalize it.

We would do it as a progressive weekly pot. Started off at say $20, & do a bingo call every 15 minutes. If the pot didn't get won, it would grow another $20 the next week. Anyone could play for free however a $5 minimum would have to spent in the bar either on food or drinks in order to be able to play - as this is a rule in our club for any contest or game. It was quite the crowd pleaser for about a year, then people got bored so we dropped it eventually.

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think that'd work well along with kamakazi karaoke too.. :twisted:

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