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Adobe Audition 1.5
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Author:  KJ Denndogg [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Adobe Audition 1.5

Hey there Boys and Girlies.
I'm having a problem that I've had since I first started posting here on day 1 of this sites existence.I record from the record out of my Audio 2000 amp
(AKJ 7050) to the line in of my sound card, recording with Audition (formerly known as Cool Edit Pro) my problem is that the recorded mix sounds GREAT
Comming from the system speakers and in the program and all the players that I have on my computer (Winamp ,windows media player,Real player etc.) ,but when I submit the song it somehow loses vocal volume?
I have tried using the center channel extracter effect and it does boost the vocal to way above the music level...until I submit the song that is.
then It's back to everyone saying to bring the vocals outfront more.
I could try splitting the tracks I guess but I really don't wanna' spend that much time on it. Maybe I'll just set up a mic. in front of the speakers and capture it that way. If anyone has any sugestions I'd appriciate them.
Thanks , and SING ON !!!,

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 2:48 pm ]
Post subject: 


Not to sound bad here.. but to give you a comparason software or another "tool" to try... try "Audacity". I am now on Protools and Nuendo. and record 100% digitally, but I used to use Audacity on my PC and so does Old Paint. now i'm on a mac. Audacity is free to use and download and so are the plug-in's. I'm betting with some time to play with it you can master it.


I think is the website.. if not PM me and I'll get it for ya.

Author:  KJ Denndogg [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 5:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Brian: I took yer advice and downloaded Audacity and I can't believe it's a freeware proggie !!! It seems to be working and I can't wait till I have some time soz I can upload something and find out for sure. I thank you so much for the info. I guess the old addage is true (you can't learn if you don't ask questions) huh?
You Rock bud !

Author:  Old Paint [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 7:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Glad to hear the word is getting around. Audacity is the way to go.

Plugins are more that plentiful. So many your head will spin.

Once we have a sizable group using it, we can swap tips and tricks. Some good plugs are:

ANWIDA (light is all you'll need)
mda detune, deess


Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Glad to help.. Denndogg.. I now have the high Dollar stuff the free stuff is trying to model but I'm 100% digital not A/D but I still use it on a rare occasion.. The trick is now how many can tell when I'm using it.... :shock: It works as nice as Protools and Nuendo but without 1/2 the tricks. and the nice digital console and pre-amps. :wink:

To be honest The only way to tell the difference is to be working infront of it. there really is NO audio difference in the platforms. 8)

Author:  MortenN [ Sat Jul 17, 2004 5:55 pm ]
Post subject: 


Perhaps I am stupid (I only have a Ph.D. in E.E. :-P) but what does: "...but I'm 100% digital not A/D..." mean?????

When your mouth opens and you sing soundwaves (eg. local changes in sound pressure) start propagating. This is an analog signal. Your microphone converts this signal into a timevarying voltage. This is still an analog signal.

How is this analog signal converted into a digital signal, whithout some analog to digital converter????? The last time I looked you cannot sing digitally. ;-))

Just a little bit confused!!!


Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Sat Jul 17, 2004 9:49 pm ]
Post subject: 


Are you sure you Don't work for Top Tunes? I guess I do need to clarify.. for those "Nit pickers" out there.. I didn't think about this either when typing the above... I would have too now I guess.. Everything from Pre-amps to the on is 100% Digital look up the Mackie D8d the Digital conversions are inside. :)

Author:  MortenN [ Mon Jul 19, 2004 6:03 pm ]
Post subject: 


I am not sure what you are implying/mean by "Are you sure you don't work for Top Tunes?"????????

If being a "nit picker" means understanding technology rather than just spouting the buzz words, then I accept the charge.

Just went to Mackie. Didn't see a D8d, but did see a discontinued d8b.

Sorry I have to "nit pick" again, but the microphone signal from most(/all?) mics is way too low for most A/D converters (which even the digital consoles use on the analog (eg. mic) inputs). Furthermore, to benefit from the balanced cabling a balanced pre-amp is needed.

If you look at the spec sheet for the d8b (http://www.mackie.com/products/d8b_v5/specs.html) you will see that the d8b also has an analog mic pre-amp with up to 60 dB gain. The mic-pre-amp is then probably followed by an A/D converter and the rest of the console operates digitally (mixing/effects/eq etc.). The processing heart of the console is a measly Celeron 300 MHz CPU!!!!!!!

So in essence this console is in principle no different than the setups most of us use. A low noise mic pre-amp (either in the soundcard or stand alone) followed by an A/D converter and the remainder is done digitally in software. Whether the software is pc-based (in my case with a P4 1.7 GHz CPU) or in a custom built pc that looks like a mixer (in the case of the d8b) makes no difference, except for price and flexibility (both favors the pc solution).

To get back on topic I would like to know from anyone using AA 1.5 whether the difference to 1.0 makes it worth an upgrade.


Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mackie discontinued them for a good reason... They were not selling..
Now I know why! It was money wasted.
I'm replacing mine for a Midas Console.
I didn't tell ya about a whole rack of True Precision 8 Pre-amps either.. :shock:
I think It would be advertising if I put my whole studio equipment list up.. so I'll stop here. :wink:

Author:  penn65000 [ Tue Jul 20, 2004 7:23 am ]
Post subject: 

I was turned on to Audacity in this thread (Thanks Brian ! 8) ). I had zero recording software (or knowledge) except for Cakewalk which I bought a long time ago for my keyboard and never did learn how to use. I downloaded Audacity and got it working right away. I'm still playing with it, but it won't be long I'll be able to submit something. :D

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Totally Kewl! :wink:
Welcome aboard the easiest to use and most versatile "Freeware" recording platform on the Planet! :shock:

I look forward to hearing your subs! :D

Author:  ok What Now [ Tue Jul 27, 2004 6:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

should i drop cep for Audacity? i just now got to where i can use it...lol

Author:  KJ Denndogg [ Tue Jul 27, 2004 6:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey Ok...I wouldn't uninstall CEP. Unless you need room on yer Hard drive.
I still find it useful for some of the effects that it has .
Audacity also has many effects , but for me at least , they're not as user friendly as they are in CEP. I find them to be more adjustable in CEP. for now anyway. good luck !

Author:  ok What Now [ Tue Jul 27, 2004 6:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

hiya dogg, tyyyyy....i have nuendo also...love it but i never use it for some reason...lol cep is just so easy and i just record for on here anyway...just for fun..... ty alot my friend

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