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Another Wedding DJ Rant
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Author:  TroyVnd27 [ Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Another Wedding DJ Rant

Normally, I don't go check out a venue in advance. Yesterday, I did happen to go check out a venue. Turns out, its a good thing I did. The room seats nearly 400 people. The dance floor was set up in the middle of the room. They set me up in the farthest corner. I was concerned about where I was going to set up my lights. I told them that the light show is going to be very limited because 1) There is no power sources anywhere within 30', and 2) with the way the ceiling is high in the center of the floor and lower on the outer perimeter, I would not be able to "beam" my lights to the dance floor.

I was also told by the event coordinator at the venue that "most DJs tell us that the dance floor should be in the corner". I asked how the DJs set up lights, and he said with a very puzzled look "I don't know. I don't think that the DJs actually light up the dance floor".

I have portable lights as well, those that sit on stands. They are really nice and have worked out well for me. But, I told them I will not set up light stands on the dance floor because it is not safe. First of all, the dance floor is not that big, and second, there is nothing that separates or segregates the dance floor from banquet style seating. In other words, if I set up my portable lights, they are bound to get knocked over. I said that I would be unwilling to set up any speaker or light stand more than 3' from the wall.

They are pissed at ME now because of it. I told them that the event coordinator even said that most DJs tell him that the dance floor shouldn't be there, but they blame ME.

How would you guys handle it? Do you think it is my fault? Do you think that the venue is at fault - because they know of the problems that DJs face with that set up.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Author:  lyquiddye [ Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Wedding DJ Rant

I have a venue that I'm at all the time that is like this as you describe.

I use global truss on heavy duty crack stands and crank it 20+foot in the air with fixtures aimed at dance floor. I had to write specific DMX programs so my scanners and moving heads are on the dance floor.

It stinks but I play the venue 5 or so times a year, so the setup was worth it.

Author:  ripman8 [ Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Wedding DJ Rant

Doesn't sound like that would work in the current set up he talked about.

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