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 Post subject: I need to vent
PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 2:47 pm 
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need to vent….Some of this, I have written about before….

5 months ago I started hosting at a place where they got rid of the previous KJ. There were various reasons why his services were no longer wanted (which I don’t need to get into here). At my regular full-time job, I have a screwed up work schedule. I work a 3-day/12 hour shift at night, where my work-nights change every 3 months (from Mon – Wed. to Thurs – Sun, and then back again). This makes things very difficult for me to find and keep a gig. The people who hired me at this place were made aware of my schedule from the very beginning and hired me based on the recommendations of 2 friends.

After my 2nd week there, Management requested that I interrupt the Karaoke at around Midnight to play a 15 or 20 minute Dance-Break set, stating that the regular customers were used to this. I told them that I do not run my show that way, and would not do it. I explained that I am not a DJ, and that I was concerned that people who came specifically for the Karaoke, would leave if I did that (based on witnessing such things happen at other KJ’s shows). I met with all 3 Managers the next day, and we discussed this further. I told them that this is the way I run a show, and if they were unhappy with that they were more than welcome to find a replacement for me, and I would not bear them any ill will. I told them that I do this as a hobby/sideline, and I am not dependent on this money. We came to a compromise. They said that they would have a DJ come in once a month, and that the 2 of us could share the show (and money) for that night, or I could just let the DJ do an entire show once a month, and I would be there the other 3 weeks in the month. I agreed to the latter.

Now we were approaching the time where my work-nights were ready to change. I reminded Management about this a few weeks before, and told them that I had some people that were available to fill in for me (with their approval, of course). I set up a meeting between them, and Management agreed to have them come for the period that I would be unavailable (under the same terms as mentioned above). The couple filling in for me does the 1 thing at their show that I don’t do… A DJ/Dance-Break set. I knew this beforehand, and that was actually my selling point to get Management to approve of them as fill-ins for me. I spoke with this couple, and I said that there might be a possibility the Management may decide to keep them instead of bringing me back when the 3 months were up. Their response was that if Management asked them, they would tell them, “No! This is Cueball’s show, and we are only here to fill in for Cueball.”

During the time that this couple was filling in for me, one of my friends told me that they would not hook up/split their TV signal to share with a larger TV screen that the Bar has. It was also mentioned that Management asked them to do so, and they refused. This was just before the Memorial Day weekend. I was going to contact them directly and tell them to start using both TVs, but then through advice received on this Forum, I decided to find out what was going on directly from Management. I made it appear like I was stopping by for a casual visit. I saw one of the Managers, and I just asked him how everything was working out with my Fill-ins. He said that everything was good. I asked if they had any complaints, and he said that they were doing OK, and that everyone was happy with them. I left it at that, and decided not to say anything to them about the TVs (since Management didn’t say anything to me about it).

2 weeks ago, I stopped by to touch bases with Management. I spoke with the Manager who originally hired me. I asked her how my Fill-ins were doing, and she said they couldn’t be happier. I then told her that my nights would be changing in 2 weeks, and that I would be available again, starting on the 16th. She then told me that they were going stop the Karaoke show after the 9th, and then start it back up after Labor Day. I told her that I would still be available at that time, if she wanted me back. She then told me, in a very apologetic tone, that she had decided to keep my fill-ins instead of bringing me back. She said that she these people did everything they asked (referring to the DJ/Dance-Break set), and that she was very happy with them. I thanked her for her candor, and told her that that was OK, but that’s just how I choose to run my show. I also said that if anything came up, she still had my card if she decided that she wanted me back at any time (based on my available schedule). I do not know whether the Management told them that I stopped by and know that they don’t want me back. As far as I am concerned, I left the place on good terms with Management.

I don’t blame anyone for what happened. This is something that I brought upon myself. I fully understand where the Management was coming from, and, UNLESS I were to suddenly lose my regular full-time job, and HAVE TO BECOME dependent on KJ-ing for an income, I would still do the same thing in the future. I have no idea whether they actually did attempt to do the honorable thing and refuse the job offer or not, nor do I have any idea what conversation/s may have transpired between the couple filling in for me and Management. Now, if it had been me filling in, and that had happened, I still would have refused the job, but I do not hold it against the couple who were filling in for me. The ONLY THING that I am upset about is that this couple has not given me the professional courtesy of telling me about this either through an e-mail or in person REGARDLESS of whether the Management may have informed them that I am aware of the situation), and I have no intention of contacting them to say anything about it.

Last edited by Cueball on Sun Jul 11, 2004 8:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 3:16 pm 
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You know Steve, you and I have the same type of regular job that occassionally interfers with your sideline. I have it happen as well, although not with as much frequency.

The way I run it, is I find people to run MY stuff... if I'm not available. This is much more riskier, but after my three month period, I'm still back on the scene.

As I run with copies, my masters are not at risk. I only have to worry about hardware. And yes, I've had to replace microphones and even a speaker (back when I was with my ex-partner... he was very bass heavy and blew one out).

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 7:41 pm 
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Everybody does thier show differently.. I wouldn't blame you for keeping yours the way you kept it. I do mine the way I do mine for a reason too..

I really hope yours turns out for the best. :wink:

Brian D.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 8:33 pm 
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We, like Knightshow, have people run our systems. At one point we were doing 17 shows a week and had 4 KJ's working with us. We stopped the madness after it allowed Richard to quit his job and become self-employed in another field.

We (Richard & I) are still doing the same Saturday night show we have been doing since the beginning and have one KJ doing a Tuesday night show for the last few years. We still have access to many KJ's and are willing to consider additional shows & private parties but are able to pick & choose. The KJ's that work with us and our systems must run the shows as we do as it is our name on the books & slips and our $$$ in the equipment & discs. All of our KJ's have come from singing with us and agree with our rules for rotation, being co-workers with the other club employees, etc.

We have a "Where To Sing" board at our retail karaoke store & let our customers choose the shows they want to go to. We also try to visit as many of those shows as possible & will refer other KJ companies to clubs &/or private parties that we can't, or don't want to, do.

Anyway...... that's my two cents :ideagrin: :ideagrin:

Happy karaoke!

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 8:40 pm 
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I sold all my systems to my hired KJ's for the reason that I got tired of traveling and having to oversee 12 systems constantly across 3 states...
and the "contractors" we hired didn't have equipment or the media that stacked up to the systems that we had. so I bailed out sold the systems to those KJ's that were interested.. and kept one really nice system and my partner kept the live systems he wanted, and sold the rest. there are 5 very happy KJ's out there making money right now between Ariz. and Colorado. :-)

Brian D.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 9:05 pm 
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I can't imagine overseeing that many!! We have 3 systems and at the height of the shows only 4 other KJ's. I can see why you would get out of that!! While profitable, dealing with that many personalities and the clubs must have worn you out!!

I can't help but notice that you kept one system!! :swg: I can guess how you feel... you just can't let it all go, can you??? LOL!! Where but karaoke can you have so much fun with so many great people!!!!

Happy karaoke!!!

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 9:10 pm 
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I also Engineer doing Live events and I am a recording engineer for another Recording Studio / Production House and just built a home studio of my own. so the tide has turned.. but Karaoke is definately not a priority anymore. but I still KJ/DJ a few times a month. and still purchase a lot of media just to stay up to date.

Brian D.

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