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Author:  flesh99 [ Tue Jun 22, 2004 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  CDG MP3+G ISO Spec

Is there an ISO spec on CDG/MP3+G and if not how do I go about getting the necessary info to code a player? I am interested in writing a Linux system for KJs. Something free that runs on most any harware and will sort, catagorize, as well as play and display. This is a large undetaking but I need the backend info first, some specs on how to decode the "G" part of things.

If anyone has a list of dream features please by all means let me know. I do KJ some but it's mostly small bars so my needs are limited. Let me what all you would like to see and I will see what I can do. This will be a long project as I will be learning C as I go. I might start with a plugin for an existing Linux product and build from there. Any info at all will help greatly. Thanks in advance.

Author:  washburn [ Mon Jul 05, 2004 4:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi, this sounds like a good idea. Have you ever seen sax'n dotty's showhoster? This program uses winamp with cdg plugin to operate. Maybe you can get some ideas from this software? let me know how it goes...

Author:  flesh99 [ Mon Jul 05, 2004 3:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

I did finf the spec, it is an addition to redbook CD spec that uses the unused subchannel data. I am working right now on pulling the data and displaying it. AFter much discussion with a few other KJs the idea has grown a little bit. It will include a way to rip to mp3+g and that will be the main player, using xmms and a plugin. You will be able to setup terminals as listening stations and the singers will enter their playlists there instead of sheets of paper. All the KJ will have to do is keep a rotation list and work the mic. It's growing into something bigger than I orignally though!

Author:  powerkaraoke [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 11:01 am ]
Post subject: 

First, there is no ISO standard for CD+G. It is only a commercial standard.

CD+G standard description can be found here:


It describes the meaning of subcodes used to encode graphical information. CD+G standard also defines interleaving and error correction and a suitable documentation is available from SONY or Phillips (I am not sure right now). But you have to pay for it.

And MP3+G is not a standard at all. It is simply a way of keeping files -- MP3 with sound and CDG with graphical information. So all of the information from the link above will apply to MP3+G.

And one more thing -- there is an Open Source project for CD+G player on SourceForge somewhere.

Hope this helps.

Krzysztof Loose

Author:  ritisroo [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 11:21 am ]
Post subject: 

Wouldn't this be the same thing as the box that Mr. Entertainment has?

It is a box that you hook up to the tv, and an amp that has the speakers/mics, etc.

There is a number pad on this box, you just enter the number of the song and press play. THe song then plays on the screen and on the speakers.

It is like a big hard drive.

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