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Author:  CJD [ Sat Jun 12, 2004 3:25 am ]
Post subject:  Compilation

I would like to congratulate you for such an excellent site and the service you are giving to people.
I would like to ask for some advice as I am finding it almost impossible to make a back up compilation of songs I use most from my original CDs.
I have tried for the umptenth time, using CDRWIN software to extract the tracks I want, but I keep getting the "Warning (17600) Error Reading CD Text".
I have used Versions 3.9F and 5.0 and got the same response all the time. I made sure to install the appropriate drivers, but still no luck!
So could u please suggest ANY other software I can use so that I will be able to extract the tracks I want and build my compilation(s)?
Whilst I thank you in advance I look forward to your reply.

Rep. of Malta,

Author:  Donny B [ Sat Jun 12, 2004 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Compilations

I'm not an "expert" like "some individuals" will profess to be, (private joke), but you may want to look at Goldenhawk.com. That's what I use and am quite pleased. I'm sure that you'll get a lot of response to your inquiry due to the fact there are some very knowledgeable individuals and they like to share. 8)

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and good luck,

Donny "B" :wink:

Author:  knightshow [ Sat Jun 12, 2004 9:20 am ]
Post subject: 

donny, that's what cdrwin is. Goldenhawk.com

The only thing I can think is that your burner isn't recognized by the software. You haven't mentioned what Operating system your pc has, what burner you're using, etc. etc. etc.

The older yamaha burners were the best... but now it seems the Plextor drives are far superior. Up to 52X burning, with no signal degridation.

I also had problems with cdrwin with WinXP. I have Win2000 now!

Author:  CJD [ Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:10 am ]
Post subject: 

It's me again!
Thank you Donny B and Knightshow for your replies.
Further to what I've written I would like to add that I am now using Windows 98 SE (I had the same problems when I was using XP) and my cd burner is a Samsung which works perfectly when making back-ups of original cdg and vcd discs, as it can burn practically any format.
My problems starts when I would want to make a back-up compilation, and I would want to extract tracks from different cds that the trouble (?) starts. I just never was able to do anything with CDRWIN, and I wish to try using other software instead of CDRW.
I'm not sure if one could compile a cue sheet list and burn from there, but even if that is possible I don't know how to go about it
:oops: !
Any further help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys,


Author:  Donny B [ Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Compilations

Hi Knightshow & CJD,
Well, I'm glad Knightshow explained what Goldenhawk was to us/me!! Being fairly new to the computor world, didn't realize that CDRWIN WAS/IS Goldenhawk. Anyway, I've got Windows XP and a Plextor burner which works really well for my limited needs. Like I said earlier, there's a bunch of people out here who will get you up and runnung because they share...and care. 8)

Both of you enjoy your weekend,

Donny "B" :wink:

Author:  Trevelyan [ Sun Jul 18, 2004 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Plextor Burner PLTR-1T1

I recently bought a Plextor PLTR-1T1 CD+G Burner from http://www.phonglekaraoke.com. It is great because I do not need a computer at all.

You pop in the original CD+G in tray one and pop in a blank CDR in tray 2 and in 5 minutes I have myself a CD+G Copy.

I can also compile songs from different CDGs and make my own compilation CDG.

I suggest you get an independent unit like the Plextor PLTR-1T1 ... no problems to worry about.

Hope this helps.

Author:  willr [ Sun Jul 18, 2004 10:37 am ]
Post subject: 

I noticed that the site doesn't like to post prices for some of the equipment, and I hate "e-mail for price". Do you remember what you paid for that?


Author:  knightshow [ Sun Jul 18, 2004 12:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

pretty sweet unit...

Single PLTR-1T1 CDG Backup Standalone Unit

This manufacturer requested that we do not publish our sale price for this product on either the Internet or our Catalog. However, we can email you th price if you wish. Just fill out the form below and click the submit button.

I have something similar at work... can dupe one disc up to seven total! OMG... if I were a pirate.... SHEESH!

But I have used it for doing SINGLE copies! LOL!

Author:  hitwtom [ Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:37 am ]
Post subject: 

I just purchased Micro Studio from MTU (www.mtu.com) It will let you copy an entire disk, or individual tracks.

Author:  Trevelyan [ Mon Jul 26, 2004 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Plextor CDG

I bought it for $425. I thought it was a good deal for a Plextor. Another friend of mine got his Plextor about 2 years ago and he said he got his for like $600 but it was with hard drive. So I feel like mine was worth it. Poor my friend... $600 but he's damn rich.

Author:  Guest [ Mon Jul 26, 2004 4:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow, they got you with that price!

Go to musiciansfriend.com.

They have a matching unit made by microboard that does the same thing at half the price.

Freinds tell me it works perfectly.

Author:  knightshow [ Mon Jul 26, 2004 5:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just use a $52 drive from newegg.com and do it to my hard drive. hen back again!


Author:  Guest [ Mon Jul 26, 2004 7:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yep, I agree....I just got a new-in-the-box Plextor 40 speed off eBay for 40 bucks. My HP cd12 and Plex 12 work perfectly already. They are just slow.

I first rip the songs to my hard drive and into my basic library. Then I click n drag the ones I want to burn to a file I named "Music to Burn".

After that I use one of several different programs to burn the disc...It works.......Well, it works as long as I don't touch even the mouse till it's done.

The new Plex should forgive that problem tho.

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