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powerd speakers
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Author:  igh70 [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  powerd speakers

I am thinking of adding a pair of powered speakers to my rig for larger or outdoor shows and am not sure how to get the best bang for my buck? what would you recommend to be the best bang with a price range of $1000 a pair?

Author:  TopherM [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: powerd speakers

$500.00 each for powered speakers isn't that much. That is going to get you something in the "entry level" category. If I had that budget, I would go with a EV ZX1 or EV sxA100+ IF and only if you have subs.

If you don't have subs, then you are going to probably need a 15", and I would go with a set of JBL EON315s.

Also, Samson has a new line of powered speakers that look interesting that just came out this month. Check out the Samson Auro. The specs look good, they have internal protection processing circuits, which most in this price range do not, and they are sleek cabinets.I wouldn't normally buy Samson, but these look very interesting!

http://www.samash.com/p/Auro%20D415%201 ... _-49950647

Author:  letitrip [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: powerd speakers

As Topher said, you're not going to get much for that price point. I'd recommend looking for a good pair of used Mackie SRM-450's. They sound far better than the EON's and are a good little workhorse that you should be able to find used in your range. Heck if you can stretch your budget a bit, you can probably get a pair of new ones for not much more.

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: powerd speakers


Don't discount Behringer , I heard a country rock band this weekend and that's all they used for mains and monitors and I was suprised how good the band sounded.

Author:  karaokemeister [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: powerd speakers

For that price, there are a couple ways to go.

The B-52 Matrix - which has the amp mounted in the sub and uses passive tops runs about $800 and by the time you add cables, and stands, you'll be about $1000.

The Behringer 212d is a decent speaker (550 watts) as long as you don't push it to the ragged edge. As you overdrive the speaker THD kicks in and it gets ugly. But if you're not going to push them that hard, they work extremely well, and they seem to stand up to (ab)use well. I bought 2 of the last revision of the 212's for some bar work (I didn't want my Bose L1 system smelling like an ashtray). I've used them many times since on outdoor events, small weddings, etc with excellent results - even when played for hours on end at loud volumes. For the price, they're VERY high on the bang for the buck scale. The best part? For that budget you could pick up 3 of them and for about $50 more - 4 of them. Cheapest price I found online was $259 each w/ free shipping.

And before someone jumps in - they did an A/B test at Guitar Center with the Mackie SRM450V2. Was the Mackie better? Sure. Was it roughly twice as good? The answer was a resounding no. For the price - the Behringer's are VERY hard to beat. But as you deal with larger and larger crowds, and push the speakers harder and harder, the Behringers will break down under near clipping signals and have issue long before the Mackie's, JBL's, Yorkville's, EV's, and other 'higher end' products. In other words, the Behringers are great as long as you don't start clipping or running them at the edge.

The Yorkville NX25P fits your budget, but it's also only 200 watts. Jumping to $1500 would put the NX550P in your budget along with a number of other options - the JBL Eon G3, Mackie SRM450 V2, B-52 Matrix 2000 (or two 1000's) and a number of others.

I'd avoid the Harbinger line since they are low wattage for the price. You'd be better off with the Behringers for the money. I'd also avoid a number of other 'low end' speaker companies - Pyle, Gemini, and the like.

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: powerd speakers

igh70 @ Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:26 am wrote:
I am thinking of adding a pair of powered speakers to my rig for larger or outdoor shows and am not sure how to get the best bang for my buck? what would you recommend to be the best bang with a price range of $1000 a pair?

Like said most powered speakers aren't going to be of great quality at $500 each. May consider if it's only for larger/outdoor shows, going with a passive set up like a pair of Yamaha S115V & A QSC GX5 power amp. You'll get overall better sound for about $1000.

Author:  letitrip [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: powerd speakers

Guys just remember, the OP is talking about possible outdoor gigs, power will be a major consideration. That's why I'd suggest going to the used market and getting a better class of speaker than buying new and being forced to compromise further just to fit into your budget.

Author:  karaokemeister [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: powerd speakers

Used may be the way to go - provided you can find something that wasn't beat to death at a good price.

But outdoor means a lot of different things....

Outdoor concerts?


Backyard BBQ with a couple of friends?
http://www.walmart.com/ip/OSD-Audio-RX5 ... r/14099328

HUGE difference in what's needed between these two - in wattage, type, size, setup, and more.... Not to mention the power needed on the first one.... ;) I can hear the call now - "Yes, Power company? I need to arrange for a couple 400 Amp temporary services on the beach. No, I'm not kidding."

Author:  tim_aka_tim [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: powerd speakers

That Fatboy Slim gig brings back memories - I was there! 250,000 people on a pebble beach :shock:

Author:  theCheese [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: powerd speakers

My advice would be to look for something on the secondary (used) market, you'll get way more bang for your buck.

I'm not a huge fan of powered speakers in general, just because they can get heavy, you've got to run 110VAC to each one plus your audio signal, and if the amp pukes, you're out an amp AND a speaker while it gets repaired.

I'm with Lonman.. a pair of Yamaha S115V's and a decent amp will sound way better and last much longer than anything you'll be able to score in the powered department for $1,000.

At least when buying new.

Author:  igh70 [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: powerd speakers

OK well it sounds like I will be in the market for a pair of 15's and another amp.... got one recommendation what a re a few others if we stay at the $1000 or push to $1250?

Author:  ripman8 [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: powerd speakers

igh70 @ Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:27 pm wrote:
OK well it sounds like I will be in the market for a pair of 15's and another amp.... got one recommendation what a re a few others if we stay at the $1000 or push to $1250?

I'm out of that range but I paid $1,400 for a pair of Yorkville NX55Ps. 550 watts each cont. These are powered, only weigh about 35 per. Done 2 outdoors with them, haven't pushed them yet but of course it takes more to get the level of volume inside.

I did see a DJ a couple weeks ago with 15" powered Yorkvilles. He was torching a city park pretty good with those but,,, a little off subject.

Quality name, used, = less bucks and better sound.

Author:  jerry12x [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: powerd speakers

The Mackie SRM450's do push 127 db.
In your price range second hand.

Author:  karaokemeister [ Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: powerd speakers

jerry12x @ Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:48 pm wrote:
The Mackie SRM450's do push 127 db.
In your price range second hand.

The problem is that the SRM450 is notorious for having heat issues - particularly if they're played outside with them set up in the sun.

Admittedly, these are the V1's when they first moved their manufacturing from Italy to China - so they can be fairly easy to identify - but it IS an issue to be aware of.

And yes, Yorkville makes GREAT products... ;)

But here's a question or two for you:

What sorts of events and types of music will you be using this for?

What size crowds are you going to be playing to?

What sort of 'space' are you wanting to 'cover'? (specifically, I'm wondering about the 'throw' you need)

Author:  spotlightjr [ Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: powerd speakers

I don't have the cash right now, but there are two powered 15 in RCF (ART-315) speakers on ebay with a starting bid of $600.00. They come with tuki covers, cables, stands, etc.
Probably the best deal I've seen on them. The seller claims they are in tip top shape. These speakers are awesome (i own 2) and am very pleased with them. Nice low-end and crystal clear. If you're goibg without a sub you may wanna jump on these.

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: powerd speakers

mackie did fix that heat issue with the v2. yamaha will sound awesome as will yorkville.
a bit higher, but the eon515 sound killer. much better than the older eons. very clear.
lon is right though. for the money, passive, and letitrip's suggestion for used. get used passive :D
you said you were adding to your rig for larger shows. are you using active or passive now? and what kind are they?

Author:  lyquiddye [ Fri Aug 27, 2010 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: powerd speakers

ripman8 @ Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:11 pm wrote:
igh70 @ Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:27 pm wrote:
OK well it sounds like I will be in the market for a pair of 15's and another amp.... got one recommendation what a re a few others if we stay at the $1000 or push to $1250?

I'm out of that range but I paid $1,400 for a pair of Yorkville NX55Ps. 550 watts each cont. These are powered, only weigh about 35 per. Done 2 outdoors with them, haven't pushed them yet but of course it takes more to get the level of volume inside.

I did see a DJ a couple weeks ago with 15" powered Yorkvilles. He was torching a city park pretty good with those but,,, a little off subject.

Quality name, used, = less bucks and better sound.

Wow I sold a Set of NX55p's a few months ago for $600 cause i thought they were terrible. I do think they could handle a 40 person karaoke night.

Outdoors I would never use less than Dual 15"s Mains and Dual 18"s Subs.

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