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Author:  karaokeking1 [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:41 am ]
Post subject:  recording

If you are recording with a laptop and an amp, is it allright to go from the in and out of the laptop, and the in and out of the amp, with the mike going into the amp.

Also i am presuming that if you use a mike into the laptop, you won't get a good sound as i don't think you can get any echo or reverb from the laptop, and what about the volume if you are using a mike into the laptop. Will it not be to powerfull.

Hope that makes sense. Thank you.

Author:  TopherM [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: recording

Are you talking about an actual stand-alone amp? It sounds like you may be talking about a mixing amp or a home theater amp, which is the Hi-Fi equivalent of a mixing amp. You would not want to plug your computer or a microphone directly into a stand-alone amp.

The perferred hook up for recording is using the Record Out RCAs for a line level (-10dB) signal or Group Outs of the mixer or mixing amp for a Instrument/Mic level (+4dB) signal, then connected to the inputs of your computer's I/O interface or audio card.

If it is a home theater amp, use the TAPE input and outputs to get the same signal out that you are putting in.

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