letitrip @ Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:26 am wrote:
jamkaraoke @ Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:44 am wrote:
Unless I'm reading something wrong the YORKVILLE YX215 are 600 watt dual 15" speakers that weigh 78lbs each. I would expect them to sound good

yeah a 3 driver cabinet as the "small club" karaoke rig had me wondering too. Although our most common club rig for the bands is a pair of Mackie powered 3-ways (SA1521's) and the matching SRS1500's.
Congrats on the bookings mckyj57, that's excellent news, glad the rig worked out as well as it did for you.
I bought them for dual purpose -- small-venue party like a home or small bar, and for monitor speakers when I do my big rig.
I also use them for public speaking sound reinforcement, as I volunteer for a number of organizations and people know I do sound. When they have a big meeting in my area, I usually get a call (two or three times per year). It is amazing how people don't notice a good job in that type of work. When they notice it is the next function after they have had me -- they get frustrated with the sound and contrast it with the previous one.
Almost all my work is charity/volunteer. I don't really charge money, though the hat is usually passed and I have gotten as much as $275.00 like that. Yesterday was about $190. I would have done it for free, as it was for friends of mine, but it is nice to get gas/CDG money.