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Where are you all printing your songbooks?
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Author:  LASings [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Where are you all printing your songbooks?

Not so much a "techie" question, but just curious who you like to have print your books, what kind of binding do you use, paper etc.. And how long do they last in the field?

Lastly, what does it typically cost you where you go.

Thanks for the info!! I'm ready to re-print a 250page book and I'm looking into other options/printers etc.


Author:  PyrateSilly [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

I was able to find ink for our printer rather cheaply so this time we did them at home. It was 20 things of ink for something like $15 dollars. And yes they work just like the expensive stuff. Binder books with sheet protectors. I can change them out anytime I need to but in a year I have not really had to yet. But now that we just upped our song list by more than a few pages with a purchase at acekaraoke I will have to make new books. It's a good thing the ink and paper are cheaper right now with back to school sales, lol.

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

LASings @ Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:02 pm wrote:
Not so much a "techie" question, but just curious who you like to have print your books, what kind of binding do you use, paper etc.. And how long do they last in the field?

Lastly, what does it typically cost you where you go.

Thanks for the info!! I'm ready to re-print a 250page book and I'm looking into other options/printers etc.


I bought a used commercial copy machine from a local office that was going out of business that prints approx 100 pages per minute. Paid $300 for this thing, it's large, but worth it. Can print all my books (10 artist 300 pages & 8 title 200 pages - double sided) in about an hour and half - two hours.

Author:  ripman8 [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

Bought a used HP LaserJet 1320 printer used on ebay for about 4100. Prints both sides, and I refill my toner (which is so much cheaper in the long run than regular cartridges) at cartridge world.

I''ve always printed my own and it had gotten to the point where one cartridge for my inkjet printer couldn't finish one printing of all my books.

Still time consuming taking old pages out and stuffing new ones in.

Author:  lyquiddye [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

I convert mine to a file and take it to the UPS store. 350 pages cost $21.00 I get sheet protectors at Sam's Club and also the binders there.

I haven't printed a book in 2 years or so, people just don't use them.

Author:  TopherM [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

I print mine at my day job and smuggle them out for free :wink:

Author:  mrscott [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

TopherM @ Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:36 am wrote:
I print mine at my day job and smuggle them out for free :wink:

I was doing that too, but with permission..hehe But now I got laid off a few weeks ago. Now I need to figure out where/how. So I'm curious too where people getting them done.

Author:  Bazza [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

TopherM @ Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:36 am wrote:
I print mine at my day job and smuggle them out for free :wink:

I do this as well. :reddevil:

Author:  letitrip [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

My company has a print shop that allows employees to have stuff printed through them. Plain paper is 0.17 cents per printed page (so double sided is .34 cents). Way cheaper than you can get it from Kinkos or any of those places and they'll even do the 3-hole punch for me if needed (not needed anymore now that I use sheet protectors).

Author:  mrscott [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

letitrip @ Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:34 am wrote:
My company has a print shop that allows employees to have stuff printed through them. Plain paper is 0.17 cents per printed page (so double sided is .34 cents). Way cheaper than you can get it from Kinkos or any of those places and they'll even do the 3-hole punch for me if needed (not needed anymore now that I use sheet protectors).

Holy crap batman!!! thats pricey! I can get two sided AND punched at staples for only 8 cents per copy,, printed on both sides!! that is when done with as many pages as we do (over 450) And i think THAT is expensive too!

When I print them myself at my office, I pay for paper myself, (about 3 bucks per ream of paper) and only the toner I use. The last time I printed, toner was about 20 bucks, I used 6 full reams of paper then, so total cost of printing was about 40 bucks or so. Page protectors is a total new story however. I insist on using new ones each time I re-print, and they can be in the hundreds of dollars for as many as I use. The binders are around 10 bucks each.

When I was printing at home with my own printer, toner was the killer at about 200 bucks per printing. Thats why I started using the printer at work,, much much cheaper!!

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

When I was paying for print at a local print shop, I was paying $.05 per page (double sided). But even Kinkos wasn't more than $.10 per page a couple years back.

Author:  harpman [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

I print my songbooks at home, using a samsung 1710 laser printer that I took home from work since it wasn't being used. They run about $50-$100 on e-bay. Generic toner cartriges on e-bay are about $22 each and they print about 3000 sheets. Toner cartriges at Office Max are $89 so the generics on e-bay are quite a savings. Initially I was printing at home using a HP inkjet printer but the cost of ink catridges was incredibly high and the print speed was incredibly slow. I wish I could print double sided to save on paper but I'd have to pay for a printer that would do that. I use sheet protectors and 3 ring binders for my songbooks. I print 4 by artist and 2 by song title without duplicates. I also print one of each showing all the duplicates in case anyone is particular about disc manufacturers. I use Fast Tracks to create them.

Author:  hiteck [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

harpman @ Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:44 pm wrote:
I print my songbooks at home, using a samsung 1710 laser printer that I took home from work since it wasn't being used. They run about $50-$100 on e-bay. Generic toner cartriges on e-bay are about $22 each and they print about 3000 sheets. Toner cartriges at Office Max are $89 so the generics on e-bay are quite a savings. Initially I was printing at home using a HP inkjet printer but the cost of ink catridges was incredibly high and the print speed was incredibly slow. I wish I could print double sided to save on paper but I'd have to pay for a printer that would do that. I use sheet protectors and 3 ring binders for my songbooks. I print 4 by artist and 2 by song title without duplicates. I also print one of each showing all the duplicates in case anyone is particular about disc manufacturers. I use Fast Tracks to create them.

Why not print odd pages and then reload the paper and print the even sides?

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

Or just get a laser printer with a duplex feature. I have a Dell 3000CN that I originally bought with the duplexer for double sided print jobs.

Author:  tim_aka_tim [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

hiteck @ Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:59 pm wrote:

Why not print odd pages and then reload the paper and print the even sides?

You'll probably even find that the printer driver has a 'manual duplex' mode for doing just that.

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

.34 cents is about 1/3 of a penny per sheet. not 34 pennies per sheet. Please notice the decimal point.

Author:  jdmeister [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

A customer gave me a Laser, and it still has not run out of toner, a year later..

(It's an HP 4100N)

Author:  letitrip [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

mrscott @ Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:41 pm wrote:
letitrip @ Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:34 am wrote:
My company has a print shop that allows employees to have stuff printed through them. Plain paper is 0.17 cents per printed page (so double sided is .34 cents). Way cheaper than you can get it from Kinkos or any of those places and they'll even do the 3-hole punch for me if needed (not needed anymore now that I use sheet protectors).

Holy crap batman!!! thats pricey! I can get two sided AND punched at staples for only 8 cents per copy,, printed on both sides!! that is when done with as many pages as we do (over 450) And i think THAT is expensive too!

When I print them myself at my office, I pay for paper myself, (about 3 bucks per ream of paper) and only the toner I use. The last time I printed, toner was about 20 bucks, I used 6 full reams of paper then, so total cost of printing was about 40 bucks or so. Page protectors is a total new story however. I insist on using new ones each time I re-print, and they can be in the hundreds of dollars for as many as I use. The binders are around 10 bucks each.

When I was printing at home with my own printer, toner was the killer at about 200 bucks per printing. Thats why I started using the printer at work,, much much cheaper!!

You gotta re-read what I posted. I didn't say 17 cents per sheet, I said .17 (17 hundreths of a cent) per sheet.

Author:  mrscott [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

letitrip @ Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:50 pm wrote:
mrscott @ Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:41 pm wrote:
letitrip @ Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:34 am wrote:
My company has a print shop that allows employees to have stuff printed through them. Plain paper is 0.17 cents per printed page (so double sided is .34 cents). Way cheaper than you can get it from Kinkos or any of those places and they'll even do the 3-hole punch for me if needed (not needed anymore now that I use sheet protectors).

Holy crap batman!!! thats pricey! I can get two sided AND punched at staples for only 8 cents per copy,, printed on both sides!! that is when done with as many pages as we do (over 450) And i think THAT is expensive too!

When I print them myself at my office, I pay for paper myself, (about 3 bucks per ream of paper) and only the toner I use. The last time I printed, toner was about 20 bucks, I used 6 full reams of paper then, so total cost of printing was about 40 bucks or so. Page protectors is a total new story however. I insist on using new ones each time I re-print, and they can be in the hundreds of dollars for as many as I use. The binders are around 10 bucks each.

When I was printing at home with my own printer, toner was the killer at about 200 bucks per printing. Thats why I started using the printer at work,, much much cheaper!!

You gotta re-read what I posted. I didn't say 17 cents per sheet, I said .17 (17 hundreths of a cent) per sheet.

Thats my bad!! Sorry for the mis-read. Just looked like .34 was the cents.. I just figured per page (double sided) how much it cost me to print at my old office... And it looks like its about a penny and a half. Not too bad, but if yours is correct, you win. :o

Author:  Paradigm [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where are you all printing your songbooks?

we just did this 2 weeks ago. i found http://www.bestvaluecopy.com/
they are in New Jersey, but for not having a printer at home that could handle that kind of job, they did great. 233 pages, 8 books, $50 including shipping.

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