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Qsc2450 and EV TX1152 Bad Match?
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Author:  Kentwayne [ Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Qsc2450 and EV TX1152 Bad Match?

Is the tx1152 too much for QSC2450? Will this match up break my amp? Will the sound be distorted. I will be running it at about 40%-75% of the amps power.

Author:  Lonman [ Sun Aug 08, 2010 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Qsc2450 and EV TX1152 Bad Match?

I'd actually run the amp wide open. The amp pushes 500 watts per channel. The speakers should have an amp pushing 1000 watts per channel for their full potential. They will only distort if you really push the signal beyond the amps clean capability - clipping, which is what really kills speakers. You can usually see that on the amp via clip lights meaning turn the main volume down. Running the amp at 40-75% is not going to necessarily stop clipping, as a matter of fact can make it worse as you will be pushing the mixers main volume up higher to compensate.

Author:  Kentwayne [ Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Qsc2450 and EV TX1152 Bad Match?

As long as I don't clip the speakers, the amp will be fine? Wil the sound quality goes down by me using the qsc2450 instead of a 1000watt amp? Or the diff is just the volume?

Author:  letitrip [ Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Qsc2450 and EV TX1152 Bad Match?

Kentwayne @ Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:44 pm wrote:
As long as I don't clip the speakers, the amp will be fine? Wil the sound quality goes down by me using the qsc2450 instead of a 1000watt amp? Or the diff is just the volume?

Speakers don't clip, amps, pre-amps and other input stages clip. The amp will be fine, the speakers will be fine. You'll only hurt your au, go ahead and hook it up, you'll be fine.dio quality and possibly damage your speakers if you push the amp into clip. If you haven't already bought the speakers, there are better matches for that amp (i.e. less power handling capability) that would save you some cash. If you already have the equipment go ahead and hook it up, you'll be fine.

Author:  jeffsw6 [ Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Qsc2450 and EV TX1152 Bad Match?

Engage the high-pass filter on your RMX2450, which should have a 50Hz option by setting the DIP switches on the rear panel. While the TX boxes are certainly not my favorite speakers, they will get plenty loud for a bar without damage. If you push them hard with a ton of bass they can't reproduce effectively, though; it is possible to damage their HF drivers. This is why you should use a high-pass filter, especially if you use them to play "dance music" and expect them to perform like a bigger system that includes subwoofers.

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