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recording tips for a newbie/dummy
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Author:  jclaydon [ Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  recording tips for a newbie/dummy

Ok I have toyed with recording before and I managed to get it to work once with a proper DAW software *reaper* but for the life of me I've never been able to repeat the results.

So I tried a simpler setup: record out to a behringer usb sound thingy *the kind where one end is usb and the in/outs are all rca* and audacity.

It works, but for some reason the sound isn't well balanced either the music is too loud or you can barely hear the vocals and adjusting the levels on my mixer doesn't really seem to make a difference as far as I can tell. There is no volume control for the record out

I used to be able to record the mic signal dry and then combine the track with the actual mp3 music file, but I can't seem to get the timing right anymore..

Any suggestions?


Author:  Lonman [ Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: recording tips for a newbie/dummy

I have used Audacity for live recordings in my shows. But it's a one take deal & harder to manipulate for multi tracking. I have a couple older songs I did in the Showcase as well recorded live at my shows. Recording straight to a 2 track (overall mix) doesn't always reflect what you actually hear with your ears.
Krystal actually worked better for home recording in a multi-track fashion and it's free as well.
But my favorite to use that is relatively cheap was Mackie Tracktion and didn't have any latency issues.

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