ok, well here's something funny
The ASIO driver did nothing for me.
BUT.. I think that when I actually posted this thread, I probably already didn't really have an issue other than I was recording over a bad file that had a delay already on it.
what happened was,, setup new computer
Downloaded Adobe 3.0 trial
loaded my mp3
hit record button on track 2 and it makes you save a file name upfront of recording, did that
I noticed the lag, did the Realtek driver update, plus the buffer settings adjustments, went back into Audition 3, put my mp3 back in track 1, when I was prompted to either save a file again, I just kept selecting that file I had originally created, and everytime on playback I'd have latency, but not on record.
Saturday morning I finally decided to just start over. Put that same mp3 in track 1, but when I was prompted for a file name, I entered an entirely new one. Recorded, played back and there was ZERO latency. So I think my original file from track 2 was tainted with the latency and it just kept haunting me.
STUPID me! I probably no longer had the latency even by the time I posted this thread. I should have known better and worked with multiple files, but I was mad at my computer, and working on it after spending the day at work when I really should have been doing something that was more constructive and kept beating my head against the wall instead (apparently I find that fun and stimulating
