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Ikey-Audio RM3
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Author:  boie2262 [ Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Ikey-Audio RM3

Anybody owns this equipment? Any opinions on this rack mount digital recorder from Ikey-Audio is appreciated.

Author:  TopherM [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ikey-Audio RM3

What are you trying to do, record your main mix? Do you own a computer? Instead of spending $200.00 to record to a SD card, which I assume you would then move to your computer, when you could just buy a USB Audio interface. The Behringer U Control is $29.99. Download Audacity for FREE.

U Control USB into the computer. U Control RCA Inputs to the Mixer's Tape outputs. U Control RCA Outputs to one of the mixer's stereo channels.

That's a $29.99 way to record your mixer's main mix onto your computer:


If you just want a rackmount solution to do the same thing, or need to record separate tracks, the Ikey gets really bad reviews. Look into something like the Tascam US1641"


I personally use an extrnal Soundblaster X-Fi ($59.00), which I think sound a bit better than the Behringer on the output side:

http://www.ewiz.com/detail.php?name=SC- ... 1f7ad513d4

Author:  boie2262 [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ikey-Audio RM3

I want to capture "live" performance so I can playback immediately ( for fun ) :)
My computer is in another part of the house so I can't use it.
I connected a tape recorder (has AUX in/out ) to my mixer but the record level input of the mixer is controlled by the main faders( which means I have to crank it up to get decent recordable signal,neighbors and WIFE will throw a fit). I suppose if I were to get any recording/playback device,this condition is true. I wonder if i can put a device (before tape in) to up the record signal so I don't have to crank it up? Sorry ,I know I'm off topic here

I did look at your links, will consider them in the future ( I like the $29.99 option).


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