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Is this PA system suitable for karaoke?
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Author:  xiaoyaoxiaoyao [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:13 am ]
Post subject:  Is this PA system suitable for karaoke?

Saw an ad at CL for the following PA system. Want to buy for karaoke. Any comments/suggestions are appreciated.

Behringer PMP 3000
2 behringer B212xl 800 watt 2 way speakers
2 Samson r11 Mics

Picture of the system is attached. The sellers ask for $800. Is it a good price? Thanks.

small.JPG [ 135.84 KiB | Viewed 9163 times ]

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this PA system suitable for karaoke?

I wouldn't pay it for a used Behringer system. Not a bargain at all, that is pretty much what it all went for new with the mics thrown in.
Have the throw in the cheap electronic drum kit and call it a deal at $800.

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this PA system suitable for karaoke?

I agree with lonman. No big deal as you can get them new for not much more than what he is asking. I'd buy from a dealer if you want to spend that much money. I can't see BEhringer or Samson keeping that kind of retail value. I mean you gotta expect depreciation in value on this and that is not enough to justify buying it.

Author:  xiaoyaoxiaoyao [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this PA system suitable for karaoke?

Thank you for your insights. How about this combination of used Yamaha ? Is $1,200 a fair price?

Yamaha EMX5014C + 2 Yamaha sv115 15" Club Series Speakers

Author:  tim_aka_tim [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this PA system suitable for karaoke?

The mixer can be had new for $629 delivered, and s115v speakers for $319 each (non-sealed), delivered. That's $1267 for new gear vs $1200 for used.

Author:  TopherM [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this PA system suitable for karaoke?

Yamaha EMX5014C + 2 Yamaha sv115 15" Club Series Speakers

I sold that same mixing amp mounted in a road case with two mics, the same speakers, and all cables to a latin club for $600.00.

Most PA equipment is like a new car - it loses 25-35% of its value the second you leave the store. Used PA equipment can always be found for about 40-60% of brand new prices, even in good condition. People on craigslist or EBay might think their stuff is worth more because they "only used it once" or whatever, but just pass those deals by and wait for a better one.

When you see a listing on EBay or Craigslist of used equipment, take the time to Google each piece and find out how much it should all cost new. Then show the poster the math and offer him 50-60% of the new value. Also, if they don't sell the brand at a reputable dealer like Musician's Friend, Sam Ash, or Sweetwater, then it is probably junk. Visit those sites and familiarize yourself with the brand name speakers and amps they sell.

You might have to go through a few sellers that think their stuff is worth too much to find one that will sell, but you should be able to get a PA suitable for home karaoke with a mixer, amp, two speakers, and all cables for around $400-600 used.

Finally, when you go to buy something DEMO IT first. Make sure everything works at both low volumes and high volumes with ZERO distortion or crackles. If a piece of equipment looks beat up, it is because they used it hard, and the interior components are likely in about the same shape as the outside appearance. No reason you shouldn't be able to get a good PA that looks almost new for a good price.

Good luck!!

Author:  xiaoyaoxiaoyao [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this PA system suitable for karaoke?

TopherM @ Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:40 am wrote:

Then show the poster the math and offer him 50-60% of the new value.

I appreciate very much for your detailed suggestions, especially the 50-60% rule. Now I'm equipped with knowledge for negotiations :D

Author:  theCheese [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this PA system suitable for karaoke?

I agree with what's been said here.. whenever looking at used gear, look up the prices on a site like MusiciansFriend.com, and figure the fair market used value to be about half of what the new price is.. assuming it's in good condition.

Also remember to totally ignore things like 'list' price. A list price is just some arbitrary number a marketing guy pulled out of his (@$%&#!) designed to make you think you're getting some kind of super deal.

List Price: $1499 SALE: $799!!

One suggestion i'd make.. unless you're playing really tiny coffee shops, or drive a smart car, i'd look for 15" speakers, and ignore 12's.

That extra 3 inches really makes a difference in bottom end and range, in my opinion.

Only time i'd ever seriously consider using 12's is if I had some kind of powered sub.. and if you're using a powered sub, you can even get away with using 10's.

Author:  tim_aka_tim [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this PA system suitable for karaoke?

You might also have a look at Daddy's Junky Music at daddys.com - they sell used instruments and PA equipment from their retail stores in the North East, and can give you an idea of what stuff is worth used retail.

Author:  mckyj57 [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this PA system suitable for karaoke?

That's way high. I'm selling essentially the same system for essentially $500.

Author:  ripman8 [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this PA system suitable for karaoke?

theCheese @ Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:47 am wrote:
I agree with what's been said here.. whenever looking at used gear, look up the prices on a site like MusiciansFriend.com, and figure the fair market used value to be about half of what the new price is.. assuming it's in good condition.

Also remember to totally ignore things like 'list' price. A list price is just some arbitrary number a marketing guy pulled out of his <span style=font-size:10px><i>(@$%&#!)</i></span> designed to make you think you're getting some kind of super deal.

List Price: $1499 SALE: $799!!

One suggestion i'd make.. unless you're playing really tiny coffee shops, or drive a smart car, i'd look for 15" speakers, and ignore 12's.

That extra 3 inches really makes a difference in bottom end and range, in my opinion.

Only time i'd ever seriously consider using 12's is if I had some kind of powered sub.. and if you're using a powered sub, you can even get away with using 10's.

Whoa, time out cheese! You gave good advice on my thread but this 12" thing isn't true. I have a pair of 12" yorkville nx55p's that I have yet to have a gig where I could open them up completely. While true that I use a n 18" sub with them more times than not, they have a lot of bass. A ton more than my 15" behringers. Of course it depends on the make and model

Author:  Micky [ Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is this PA system suitable for karaoke?

ripman8 @ Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:55 pm wrote:
theCheese @ Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:47 am wrote:
I agree with what's been said here.. whenever looking at used gear, look up the prices on a site like MusiciansFriend.com, and figure the fair market used value to be about half of what the new price is.. assuming it's in good condition.

Also remember to totally ignore things like 'list' price. A list price is just some arbitrary number a marketing guy pulled out of his <span style=font-size:10px><i>(@$%&#!)</i></span> designed to make you think you're getting some kind of super deal.

List Price: $1499 SALE: $799!!

One suggestion i'd make.. unless you're playing really tiny coffee shops, or drive a smart car, i'd look for 15" speakers, and ignore 12's.

That extra 3 inches really makes a difference in bottom end and range, in my opinion.

Only time i'd ever seriously consider using 12's is if I had some kind of powered sub.. and if you're using a powered sub, you can even get away with using 10's.

Whoa, time out cheese! You gave good advice on my thread but this 12" thing isn't true. I have a pair of 12" yorkville nx55p's that I have yet to have a gig where I could open them up completely. While true that I use a n 18" sub with them more times than not, they have a lot of bass. A ton more than my 15" behringers. Of course it depends on the make and model

I agree, make and model will make a difference, not the size :wink: I'm also using a 12' that has a deep tight bass 8)

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