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Winamp + CDG plugin + Zip CDGs - Playlist questions
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Author:  vtrod [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:34 am ]
Post subject:  Winamp + CDG plugin + Zip CDGs - Playlist questions

Hello there

I hope someone can help answer my question.

I zipped all my cdgs when I converted to computer. When I drag a whole bunch of the to my winamp playlist, is there a way for the playlist to display ONLY the mp3s?

Right now it displays the zip file in the playlist, and it opens up into 2 files(cdg + mp3) when I double click it.

Also is there a way for the playlist to scan the files and remove any non mp3 files?



Author:  RLC [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Winamp + CDG plugin + Zip CDGs - Playlist questions

I thought you were using Sax N Dotty front end? Have you gone to just Winamp and the plugins?
In short, I know of what you ask and have not found a way to not show both files without the use of a front end program.
A free alternative to S-N-D is this program from Debs software--> http://www.debssoftware.com/zipPlayer.html

Author:  vtrod [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Winamp + CDG plugin + Zip CDGs - Playlist questions


I used to use plain S&D player but could not stand the fact that it did not have a search function. The absence of a drag and drop was also too painful for me, considering that I would generally need to search tracks very quickly.

While S&D Show Presenter does have a search functionality, I still prefer Winamp on its own for simplicity and ease of use.

Debs player looks interesting, I will trial it this week and see if this fits my needs.

Glad to know I am not the only one who experiences these problems.


Vic in Sydney

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