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equipment suggestion?
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Author:  jessi [ Sat May 29, 2004 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  equipment suggestion?


I'm researching karaoke equipment to buy for my school goverment. I need to buy something that will be kept by our goverment for use by student groups, so I have to find equipment that's very good quality (to please the engineering students) and that will last for a long time, through abuse by careless twentysomethings ... we'd like to spend $300-$500. Any suggestions (brands, sites to check, etc)?
Thank you!!

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Sat May 29, 2004 3:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I wish ya alot of luck.. good equipment that does not require a Audio system, will cost a bundle.. now if you have the audio gear, and the people that can run them in a flash, that is simple. Players usually start at around $300.00 USD from many places then there is the cost of the Karaoke media.. CD+G's & DVD's they can run from anywhere from $32.00 USD on down to I have seen them as low as $12.00 and still be singable. Depending again on where you purchased them and thier quality. Mail order Places can advertize lower prices Yes it's true and sometimes are a great value, the downer is the Single CDG/DVD or low volume orders are the kick in the butt.

They cost more sometimes in shipping than the gas to go across town and wait a week to get it in at another place, or wait til you or your group can order a bunch of them at once.

Been there myself many times. 8)

My suggestion is to get a "CD+G" player as I can see these things not going anywhere for a while, and the media is not either. As the media is available everywhere from Walmart to E-bay to links here on KS. :wink:

Personally, I'd try and shop around for a 3 tray JVC or RSQ 33 series, IF not the RSQ 505 is another good one to try, and that does DVD Karaoke.
I have both of them. :D

Best of luck to you.

Author:  knightshow [ Sun May 30, 2004 10:00 am ]
Post subject: 

I would check out acekaraoke.com if you're only talking about a budget of $300-$500

There are LOTS of players (dvd/cdg) that you can get for about a hundred each, and amps, etc.

Personally I avoid VocoPro... I've had nothing but bad experiences and they have a horrible rep, despite good marketing.

One good example is the RSQ SG-405 Single Tray Karaoke CD+G/CD Player and an amp (to hook up the player to speakers) would be the Audio 2000 AKM701 Digital Echo Karaoke Mixer
HA2KKM0701Regular price: $149.95Sale price: $129!

I have the akj7000 unit, a much more powerful version... but this gives you many of the options on that larger unit.

Author:  jessi [ Sun May 30, 2004 6:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

thank you both! i'll keep investigating ...


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