Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

looking for tuts
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Author:  jonna2003 [ Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  looking for tuts

HI i am new here and sure i will get flamed hope not. I am as green as they come to the karaoke scene I need to learn fast and this looks like the right place to start i need some tut's on making disc's cd g i can get any software i need that's not a problem ;) ;) but using it it is :( so any idea's were to start would be great had a look around the forum but got lost in the volume of the sight please forgive the post as i say i am greener than green when it comes to this

Author:  Lonman [ Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: looking for tuts

Can you please use punctuation to break up your sentences? Thanks.

Well for starters what exactly do you need to do? Are you looking to take a regular cd & turn it into a karaoke disc for your personal use only? Do you want to make a karaoke disc of your own music that you wrote/recorded? Do you want karaoke like you see in the clubs?

If it's the last, then you just need to get cdg discs like from karaoke.com or you can get custom discs made like from selectatrack.com

If you are trying to turn a regular music cd into karaoke, good luck. There is software to 'try' and remove the vocals (which almost never works perfectly and removes other instruments as well) and then the software to create your own graphics, but a little more definition on what exactly you need to do would be more helpful.

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