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Karaoke Setup
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Author:  twient [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Karaoke Setup

I last KJed 2007. I'm looking to get back in the game. I have all my discs and I have ripped them to zip files (mp3+the karaoke file).

I am planning on using primarily the laptop. I want to have a regular player on hand as well to use as a backup and also when people bring their own CDs.

I have the mixer, speakers, etc., but I do not have a player (yet), TV (or monitor) and cables. I do have the laptop and a program for karaoke.

What should I use for a monitor? A TV or a PC monitor? How can I connect the video from both my laptop and karaoke player?

I'm just looking for ideas for an efficient and modern setup, so any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke Setup

TV or PC monitor will work fine depending on the output on your laptop. If it's an older S-Video out this is what i'd opt for as you can also run it to the house tv's for thge audience to view via an RF converter & splitter.

Author:  eben [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke Setup

twient @ Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:13 am wrote:
I last KJed 2007. I'm looking to get back in the game. I have all my discs and I have ripped them to zip files (mp3+the karaoke file).

I am planning on using primarily the laptop. I want to have a regular player on hand as well to use as a backup and also when people bring their own CDs.

I have the mixer, speakers, etc., but I do not have a player (yet), TV (or monitor) and cables. I do have the laptop and a program for karaoke.

What should I use for a monitor? A TV or a PC monitor? How can I connect the video from both my laptop and karaoke player?

I'm just looking for ideas for an efficient and modern setup, so any tips would be greatly appreciated.

I use MTU Hoster and it has ability for you to rip the song off a disc temporarily. I don't even bring player to gigs anymore. I can rip the song while someone is singing and then after it's played, poof, it's gone from your hard drive. It takes me about 30 secs to rip a song using my laptop. One less thing to carry with me and connect it up.

As for the output, if you have a VGA, DVI or HDMI, it's easier to connect to a monitor. You can use a converter to bring out a TV signal for TVs for the place.

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